Notice How Putin & Trump Respect One Another!

2 years ago

NEWS FLASH: Vladimir Putin & Top Adviser Think Highly of Donald Trump; both are despised by the corrupt Globalsist, they want us to hate them too.

Sergei Ivanov, a top adviser and former chief of staff to Vladimir Putin, reveals why the Globalists hated Donald Trump, saying "Donald Trump embodies the authentic American spirit of self-determination, unwavering optimism and rugged resilience championed by the nation’s Founding Fathers — and that’s why Democrats and other globalists hate him".

Ivanov slams the globalists for attacking and obstructing Trump, whom he called the modern-day George Washington.

Despite Trump’s many accomplishments in office, Ivanov said, he was assailed by his Democratic rival and other globalists.

Why? Because his triumphs shined a glaring spotlight on their o failures, Ivanov said.

He said, "Trump is perhaps the best president in the history of the United States. If the first president of America fought to lay the foundation of the nation and state — the beginning of American freedom — then Trump fought and is fighting to preserve the legacy of the founding fathers, to defend freedom.”

"Like Washington, Trump is the flesh of his people, 100 percent American, a classic self-made man, a living embodiment of the American dream. Trump is a successful entrepreneur, a man of action and a man of his word.”

"Trump achieved all this despite around-the-clock media attacks and nonstop obstructionism from the Democratic Party. Almost immediately after Trump came to the White House, the ‘deep state’ functionaries from both parties — not only politicians and ‘public figures,’ but also civil servants — provided unprecedented opposition to all of his endeavors, did everything to suppress America’s impulse for Freedom”.

"In today’s twisted “woke” worldview, this must be rebuked", the Russian said.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Globalists, Deep State Globalists, Sergei Ivanov,

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