The bubbling of a forest stream will be your best sleeping medicine

2 years ago

I love the forest at any time of the year... But in summer it appears to me in all its splendor, in its lush green clothing. I call the rustle of its leaves talking to the wind "the green noise"...

How nice it is to walk along winding path under the shade of mighty oak trees, to breathe in a unique bouquet of forest aromas such as trees, flowers, herbs.

I go deep into the forest. The path winding between the trees leads me out of the thicket to a large glade, filled to the brim with sunlight overgrown with grass and blue forget-me-nots.

The sun moves to its zenith and pours streams of hot light on the small grasses and birches, on the strawberry meadow and the forest thicket. I get hot, and I leave behind the quiet "heavenly pool" with the taste of strawberries on my lips and go deeper into the forest along the path.

Suddenly a forest miracle appears before me. Well, of course, it is the same full-flowing creek from which I loved to drink the most delicious water in my childhood. I couldn't stand it, so I bent down and scooped water into my palm. It was the height of bliss.

I chose a place not far from the creek and lay down in the thick grass. Closing my eyes, I remembered my childhood years.

The murmuring of the stream enveloped me, and I fell asleep unnoticed. This dream didn’t last long. A cloud came over and raindrops woke me up.

It was an indescribable feeling. Perhaps this is where joy lives, the joy that I walked through all the forest thicket to... Pines stand in living columns propping up the azure dome of the sky. The forest brook rings with its harp. It makes its way between pines, splashes its transparent water, spills small lakes smiling playfully at the summer day with its light wave. Enchanted, I stand in the wonderful temple, which nature itself created, showing people a role model.

Let the bright temple of life in the soul of each of us always shine with all the colors of the rainbow! Let every day, every moment of human life be filled with joy, pure and transparent, like the water of a forest stream, and happiness that everyone will create with their own hands, creating good, protecting the beauty and appreciating life in all its manifestations!

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