Opinionated People

2 years ago

Everyone has an “opinion” their own viewpoint or perspective. Like today someone censored one of my posts, deleted it from their group because they felt and were very opiniated about the author of my post saying that the author of my post was ungodly and of the devil. LOL! How could that be? This author has godly fruit. ME! This author led me to Christ and a lot of the fruit in my life is from being discipled by her. People don’t know what they “think they know”. We can’t judge others; we don’t do it well. Only God is the “true judge”! I stand here in the mountains and I look around and breathe in the beauty of it. Yet, as I share my love for this mountain scene, someone will have a negative comment, their own personal “opinion” about it. Opinions! Blah, Blah, Blah, someone will inevitably say to you, this is good for you, this is bad for you, and you need to listen to me. Everyone these days seems to have an emotional opinion, usually not based on facts, but a say-so that they feel I should follow after. It gets worse, these opinions that people shove down our throats, as some people, corrupted by their illegal supremacy are actually trying to mandate their opinions on us all. Censorship! This is so frustrating. It is like they think we can’t see, learn, think and decide on our own what is good for us. So how do I handle it when someone wants to man handle me with their opinions? I say thanks, I appreciate your warning, but I have checked it out with God, the One Who does lead me by truth, the only One Who knows my heart. God’s “say so” matters to me so much more than opinions of others. I don’t listen to others first; I listen to God. “They” always have opinions which come in and go out with the cultural tides, but God’s leading, His Truth remains. “They” say if we don’t listen to them, we are dangerous and living dangerously, but I say God’s truth is not dangerous, because the Holy Spirit does not navigate me into danger. What is dangerous is following after the human condition with all its deception and mediatic false frenzy. People are so deceived and that is why I stay in a vital-vertical relationship with God, so I can side step all the human crap and not step into it, but step out within the confines of the Rulership of God’s love and the direction of His Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter how “strong” a person’s opinion is emotionally ranted, what matters to me first is followship of God. I do not live to appease men, I live to love God, honor God and serve God 1st. I do not judge others, because I don’t know what I “think I know”, only God knows the heart, motive, thoughts and full life of another. Opinions! Blah, Blah, Blah… GOD’s SaySo… I listen up to. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/finger-pointing/

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