Want to know which food has more protein, but don't know Which Food?

2 years ago

Want to know which food has more protein, but don't know Which Food?
#Protein #Chicken#Almonds #Egg #Milk
Proteins are used to repair cells and build muscle tissue in our body. It also helps us grow and develop. Without enough protein, we can't have a healthy life.
Simple Foods you must take to have protein in your body.
1) Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein-rich foods. One roasted chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams and only 284 calories and 75% of Calories.
2) One egg contains 6 grams of protein, which equals 12% of the daily recommended intake according to USDA.
Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein.
3) Almonds are a rich source of protein. They have around 18% of the protein content in them.
One cup of almonds has about 18% (28 g) of the daily recommended value for protein, which is about 47 grams per day.
4) Milk contains a high amount of protein, with approximately 8g of protein in a cup.
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