World Depopulation Agenda Exposed 12 Years Before Covid

2 years ago

Depopulation Agenda Exposed 12 Years Ago
The Depopulation Agenda by the government (the Deep State) was exposed by Dr. Rima 12 years before Covid started.
World depopulation has been planned by governments for years, which is led by The Deep State.
Bill Gates and his father openly spoke of mass world depopulation often. Gates (not a doctor) has been pushing the covid “vaccine”, along with politicians and people on the tel-lie-vision for months.
Bill Gates has the patent on the covid “vaccine.”
Governments, the CDC and politicians hide real death numbers resulting from the covid “vaccine” (they number in the thousands.)
Covid is the fear tactic used by governments of the world to scare people into taking the “vaccine.” Covid isn’t the problem, their “vaccine” is!
The WHO (World Health Organization) Is A Private Corporation Just Like The Federal Reserve And Receives More Than Two Thirds of Its Funding From The Pharmaceutical Industry.
Dr. Rima Laibow is one of the foremost natural physicians and environmental doctors. She practiced drug-free psychiatry and medicine in New York and is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation who oversees the wellness, educational and other activities at the Natural Solutions Center.
World Depopulation Agenda Exposed 12 Years Before Covid
In this video with Jesse Ventura, Dr. Rima E. Laibow talks about how the “culling” will happen.
This interview with Jesse Ventura on the Deep State’s depopulation agenda took place over a decade before the Covid fear tactic was put in place to scare people into taking the death jab (covid “vaccine” for world depopulation.)

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