David Letterman shame Donald Trump

2 years ago

Donald Trump is discovered talking the discussion, and David Letterman demonstrates he isn't strolling the walk. Trump is just indecent sales reps and major outsourcer who is attempting to trick America.

After Trump's demagogic tirade, painting China as the shrewd strawman that compromises "America's significance", David Letterman reverses the situation on the hapless Donald.

At the point when Trump is asked by Letterman where his ties and shirts are made, Trump answers...

"These were made....I don't have the foggiest idea where they where made...but they were made some place..."

After it is uncovered by Letterman that they are made in Bangladesh and China, Trump replies....

"I tell you...and you know what...David?...In all reasonableness, I've been exceptionally open about that, and not every one of them coincidentally, but rather I have been extremely open about that......"

Trump claims he has been exceptionally open about where his items are made, following he guarantees he doesn't have the foggiest idea where they are made.

That is some somewhat insane transparency… .smh… .Trump will say anything… ..

Trump will run for President in 2016, peer out America.

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