Racist Oprah - Who Needs a Budget?

3 years ago

‘Too Bad’: Megyn Kelly Won’t Back Down After Meghan, Oprah Criticism Deemed ‘Racist’

Journalist Megyn Kelly told critics to “grow up” in a fiery tweet posted Monday after she was accused of “racism” for daring to criticize Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle and host Oprah Winfrey.
Notably, Kelly also blasted Duke of Sussex Prince Harry for his claims of victimhood.


Meghan and Harry's nauseating two-hour Oprah whine-athon was a disgraceful diatribe of cynical race-baiting propaganda designed to damage the Queen as her husband lies in hospital - and destroy the Monarchy

Those were just my initial thoughts after ten minutes of the Oprah whine-athon with Meghan and Harry, and while restricting myself to only using words beginning with the letter 's'.

By the time I'd finished the whole two-hour orgy of pious, self-indulgent, score-settling twaddle, the steam was erupting out of my ears like an exploding geyser, and my lexicon of rageful epithets extended to the full range of the alphabet.

Never have I watched a more repulsively disingenuous interview.

Nor one more horrendously hypocritical or contradictory.


Liberal government to unveil federal budget on April 19: Chrystia Freeland

Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Tuesday the first federal budget in two years, which will be presented on April 19, would offer the support that is needed to those struggling during the pandemic, plus a plan to boost growth.

“We will continue to do whatever it takes to support Canadians and Canadian businesses. And we have a plan for jobs and robust growth,” Freeland said when she announced the date during Question Period in the House of Commons.


Canada GDP Collapse Reveals How Trudeau’s Debt Binge Went Awry

Justin Trudeau was more committed to borrowing his way out of the Covid-19 crisis last year than almost any other leader in the developed world. That cushioned the blow of the pandemic, but raises some hard questions about what Canada got for all that spending.

The economy shrank 5.4% last year, Statistics Canada said Tuesday, the sharpest annual decline in the post-World War II era and the third straight year in which it underperformed the U.S. economy. That’s despite Canadians receiving C$20 ($16.55) in government transfers for every dollar of income lost, according to government data.


Trudeau’s Great Reset/Agenda21 Plans for Canada

Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history (besides his father). I hope he is brought to justice for his crimes against the Canadian people and his crimes against humanity. Here’s another post I did with lots more info on him as well as Chrystia Freeland and their puppet-masters George Soros and China:

Trudeau’s “Great Reset” plans for Canada in his own words:

Is this leaked email by an anonymous person at the Prime Ministers 0ffice really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? You decide. All I can tell you is it is not confirmed has gone viral- nobody has yet to debunk it. Email dated October 10/2020


Trudeau Liberals plan to increase annual immigration by 117 percent in 2021

Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino announced on Monday that the Trudeau government is planning on radically increasing the number of immigrants arriving to Canada annually in 2021, according to Blacklock's Reporter.


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