'Going undercover as a grandma he killed: Cuomo & his blankie become a meme, he stole the shawl

3 years ago

#Cuomo #Granny #Meme #Twitter #Harassment #Criminal

People all across the political spectrum relished in poking fun at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo after the embattled politician was spotted with a cover draped over him as he moped in Albany.

As more Democrats joined onto the call for Cuomo to resign in the wake of s***** harassment allegations, folks on Twitter felt the blanket was just another opportunity for the controversial governor to try to garner sympathy points.

'What’s with Cuomo and the blanket? He looks like the crime victim sitting at the back of an ambulance from some crime procedural show,' said one user. 'Might as well be holding a styrofoam cup.'

'Cuomo going undercover as one of the grandmas he killed,' said TV writer Jess Dweck.

Another user asked: 'Which nursing home individual did you steal that blanket from?'

A different user asserted: 'Cuomo's political career, if it wasn't over before, it has to be now after this granny photo w blanket and bottle!'

#CuomoCoverup soon took on a new meaning besides being about the nursing homes as the blanket took on a life of its own.

Others just poked fun at the governor, with people noting that Cuomo resembled Steve Martin from the 1979 film The Jerk.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand are demanding New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resign - becoming the most powerful Democratic voices to call for him to leave office in the wake of s***** harassment allegations.

Schumer and Gillibrand, who serve as New York's two sitting senators, released a joint statement Friday afternoon, which read: 'Confronting and overcoming the Covid crisis requires sure and steady leadership. We commend the brave actions of the individuals who have come forward with serious allegations of abuse and misconduct.

'Due to the multiple, credible s***** harassment and misconduct allegations, it is clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and the people of New York. Governor Cuomo should resign.'

Both had previously said an independent investigation into the allegations against Cuomo was essential.

Shortly after the Senators' joint statement was released, House Intelligence Chairman and California Rep. Adam Schiff also urged Cuomo to resign.

'I don't think he can carry on,' Schiff told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Meanwhile, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapooli tweeted: 'These allegations are extremely disturbing and are impairing Governor Cuomo’s ability to lead, as our state struggles through a crisis and must make critical budget decisions. It is time for him to step down.'

Earlier on Friday, New York representatives Jerry Nadler and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined 12 of the 17 other New York Congressional Democrats also demanding that the Governor step aside.

Pressure is growing on Cuomo as a seventh woman alleged s***** harassment in a first-person essay published in New York magazine on Friday.

Additionally, 30 women spoke to the same publication claiming they experienced bullying while working for the Governor.

But a defiant Cuomo told reporters in a conference call Friday that he will not bow to 'cancel culture' by tending his resignation. He then hit out at colleagues who are calling for him to go.

'Politicians take positions for all sorts of reasons including political expediency and bowing to pressure,' he stated.

'People know the difference between playing politics, bowing to cancel culture and the truth... let the review proceed.

'I am not going to resign. I was not elected by the politicians. I was elected by the people - part of this is that I am not part of the political club and you know what, I'm proud of it.'

On Friday evening, Cuomo was seen looking strained as he paced up and down outside the Governor's Mansion in Albany with his daughter, Mariah.

At one point, the Governor draped a blanket over his shoulders as he spoke into the phone while sipping from a bottle of Saratoga Springs water.

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