We must not discuss the sacred cows.

3 years ago

Having myself been offered registration on an Aboriginal Tribal Roster (as a point being made by an Aboriginal mate, and refused it by the way) I have little respect for people who regards themselves as Aboriginal without an actual connection to tribe, language or culture. It's like being jewish because your great great grandmother was jewish, not because you have any personal involvement or connection. I have seen people whiter than I am registered with tribes, allowing them full access to services and government handouts otherwise reserved for the Aboriginal population. Once you have that registration you can tick that box. One person was accessing tribal funds for a personal project while hiding behind her Aboriginality.

Still that's not my only concern, the invention of customs and culture where none exists makes a lot of what we know about Aboriginal Australia questionable even suspect. Who wants or gains from invented law? The Welcome to Country spoken at meetings, public and government events, was adapted from a joke penned by Ernie Dingo in the 80s and serves as the most horrid form of virtue signalling, often to rooms of white people. Warning of images/video/audio of the dead is adapted from South East Asian cultures that have imagery of deity and animals in their cultural content. Shit even dot paining was introduced to the Aboriginal people by a white teacher as part of a government funded arts project, it is not an aboriginal art form and it was introduced to one group of Aboriginals in Central Australia, not the entire Aboriginal peoples.

It's time we faced our truths, good or bad, and got on with working out our shit free from the destruction that is created by welfare dependence. This is the greatest crime we have committed on the Aboriginal people, we destroyed their cultures and languages, loading them with invention and bullshit, but worst of all we stole their will, their humanity. We told them they were victims and needed support and we piled money on them, or the services meant to help them, making them welfare dependent, unable or unwilling to help themselves.

Short term focused funding is not and never was going to resolve anything, it only adds to problem people like these girls face in recognising their linage and moving on with their lives. We all doubt our place in the world, the only solution is growing up and taking responsibility for yourself.

Source :

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The Antitheocrat.

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