Monkey Gives Unexpected Food Chain Lesson

5 years ago

This video is the best example of a food chain, which is very important for the survival of a creature.

The video shows a food chain process in which a monkey attacks the family of a duck. The mother duck tries a lot to say her kids from the monkey but in vain. Five little ducks are eaten by the monkey by one while one succeeds to escape with its mother on time. The video shows the affection of a mother for her children, she even takes the risk of losing her own life.
As we all know that animals can’t produce their own food so they have to consume it some way or the other. For example, the energy found in an ordinary mango, helps a monkey to swing around the trees and grow. The same energy is then transferred to a jaguar which is the chief predator in the forest if she eats that monkey!

The rainforest is one of the best examples on the earth to see the food chain acting. The jungle a place where an infinite number of animals must compete for their survival. Each species plays a vital role in the complex ecosystem for their food, but the animal must be strong and fierce to get its food and energy and take part in the food chain.

All plants and animals take part in the food chain. These food chains examples are only a small part of the large food webs in our world.

Most monkeys have lots of enemies, to worry about. For example, the big jungle cats, leopards, jaguars, and cougars eat monkeys whenever they get a chance.

Additionally, almost every jungle or forest where monkeys live is also the favorite place of some species of eagles they like to eat monkeys.

Big snakes like, pythons and boa constrictors and crocodiles and caimans eat monkeys, and so do even the chimps, which are an ape (tailless monkey) catch, kill and eat the small monkeys.
With some more animals. It is started with acorns, acorns are eaten by mice. The mice are eaten by some species of snakes, and the snakes are then eaten by hawks. At each stage of the food chain, energy is transferred from one animal to another and they all survive.

There is always even more links to a food chain. Here another animal is added. It goes from grass to grasshopper, grasshopper to the mouse, mouse to snake and snake to hawk.

There are actually more links in this chain. When a hawk dies, fungi (e.g. mushrooms) and other decomposers play their role and break down the dead hawk, and turn the dead remains of the hawk into nutrients, which are absorbed by the soil. These nutrients, sun, and water then help the grass to grow.
It's a circle of life, energy, and survival!!

So the food chain makes a full circle, and life and energy are passed from plants to animals to animals to decomposers and then back to plants! There can be many links in food chains but not too many because, if there were too many links, then the animal at the end of the food chain would not be able to get enough energy.

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