177. Nutrition & Children's Health - Dr. Michelle Perro

19 days ago

Michelle Perro, MD, DHom, is a veteran clinician with over four decades of experience in both pediatrics as well as in integrative medicine treating both children and their families. Her career began in Pediatric Emergency Medicine winding its way into integrative medicine over the past 25 years.

She has been director of a Pediatric Emergency Department in NYC and spent over a decade at UCSF Benioff Oakland Children’s Hospital. Dr. Perro has been a tireless advocate regarding the role of GM food and their associated pesticides centered on their affect on children’s health. Dr. Perro has lectured nationally and internationally on the state of our children’s health and produced the first Children’s Environmental Health Bill of Rights.

She is co-author of the highly acclaimed book, “What’s Making our Children Sick?” (https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/whats-making-our-children-sick/). She is the CEO/co-founder of the website www.gmoscience.org, focused on food as medicine and the regeneration education movement. Her monthly podcast, The New MDS can be found here: https://gmoscience.org/the-new-mds/.

For parents' advice, visit: https://gmoscience.org/parent-education/. Her next book, “Making our Children Well” is scheduled to be released at the end of 2024.

20:17:59 From Martha : I am, of course, an anti-vaxxer for many reasons. But, by the way, is thimerosal one of many bad things in COVID vaccines?
20:26:02 From Steve : An excellent preprint from Dr. Ana Mihacea re:

Lipid Nanoparticle-Associated Inflammation is Triggered by Galectin Activation. Galectins Are Involved In Cancer Propagation.
20:33:58 From Steve : Judy Mikovits uses DMG to reduce glyphosate load. Your opinion?
20:35:15 From m. nario : what is your scalar machine?
20:36:57 From Kelli Green : Can I get added to this weekly meetings?
20:37:30 From m. nario : why dont you like dmps?
20:37:58 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Kelli: We do Mondays at noon EST and this time on Wednesday. I hope if you subscribe at www.healthrevivalpartners.com you will be notified. However, our links for these weekly webinars are at the end of every blog we produce.
20:38:28 From Kelli Green : Reacted to "Kelli: We do Monday…" with ❤️
20:38:48 From Martha : Replying to "Can I get added to t..."

Kelli – The twice weekly meetings are fabulous!! I’m glad you’re interested in joining our community!
20:39:04 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Can I get added to t…" with ❤️
20:39:06 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Kelli – The twice we…" with ❤️
20:43:23 From Steve : alumina 30c
20:43:46 From Kelli Green : That was really helpful!
20:45:54 From Kelli Green : Can you put a link to your book?
20:46:59 From m. nario : why liquid supplements for adults?
20:47:16 From Kelli Green : Reacted to "Can I get added to t…" with ❤️
20:47:18 From Kelli Green : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Can I get added to t…"
20:48:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.amazon.com/Books-Dr-Michelle-Perro/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ADr.+Michelle+Perro
20:51:35 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Do you recommend homeopathic kits in the book, Dr. Michelle?
20:54:06 From Steve : Judy Mikovits uses DMG to reduce glyphosate load. Your opinion?
20:54:11 From WG : Instead of liposomal supplements why not swallow a aTb of oil with a regular capsule?
20:56:18 From Linda Anderson : Are Cell Salts as effective as other homeopathics.
20:57:42 From Nina Roark : please list Dr Carter recommended for glyphsatet wha
20:59:44 From Kelli Green : Please list any supplements you recommend for teen boys. My son stays sick and will take the food recommendations but want to do everything I can!
21:00:03 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Nina: the cell core program. You can look that up or get a consult with Dr. C. Jodi can help. jlaird@healthrevivalpartners.com
21:01:10 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Here is my blog on zeta potential
21:01:12 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.healthrevivalpartners.com/post/spike-impacts-red-blood-cell-charge
21:01:17 From Steve : I wonder if Weston Price knew/used cell salts
21:03:12 From Doug Leonard : Please talk about your scalar machine and what you feel about the efficacy of it. BTW you are spectacular!
21:03:19 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : I have the cell salts but wasn't sure. Good to know about how your body will use them selectively based on what it needs.
21:04:59 From michele’s iPhone : is celtic salt beneficial
21:05:54 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Are those like essential oils for emotional remedies.
21:07:39 From Patti Proper : Thank you so much , Dr. Perro!! So informative as always!!!
21:08:32 From May : Amazing presentation🩷
21:08:36 From m. nario : whats your scalar machine?
21:08:57 From Patti Proper : Check out Dr. Perro’s podcast. It’s amazing!!
21:09:48 From m. nario : Dr Michelle Join the Nevada homeopathic board. you will be a good addition to the team
21:10:32 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Dr Michelle Join the…" with ❤️
21:11:23 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Thank you, Dr. Perro. Looking forward to your book coming out.

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