Dispensationalism, The Occult & Jesuit End Times Conspiracy

23 days ago

This video contains excerpts from a Podcast series called "The Great Delusion" by Tudor Alexander of the "Dance of Life" Podcast. This video exposes the Jesuits involvement in both Full Preterist Eschatology as well as Dispensational, Futurist eschatology. John Nelson Darby and C.I. Schofield are abundantly exposed as occult adepts and Babylonian Mystery School adherents infiltrating Christianity for satan. If you are an Evangelical, Protestant, Dispensational, Christian Futurist, waiting for the Third Temple to be built in your beloved Faux Israel while waiting for the Rapture, you have been deceived and need to come to terms with that and come out from under the spell cast over you. Likewise full Preterist eschatology has been designed to deceive you and not all Biblical prophecy is in the Past.

The Dance of Life Podcast and the Full "Great Delusion" series can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdvOAIJfzz8&list=PLFmzWiX5iQ2q_GW6ZKv4yCJCjlxRG-JcS

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