GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Moriarty part 1 of 2: Gold Will See Another Record High Shortly

28 days ago

- Gold is in a correction but "should be headed higher... another record high soon..."
- Bob reviews the XAU gold and silver share index.
- Does low volume in PMs shares suggest big moves are imminent?
- The chart review includes the HUI gold shares index.
- 10 year T-Bill yields suggests key investors are concerned by escalating financial risks.
- Commercial real estate challenges.
- Review of the Case-Shiller Housing Index - is this a double top?
- Is global conflict imminent?
- Is inflation tame? We review the BLS inflation rate chart.
- Remembering gratitude for the honor to live in this nation.

- Bob's Audio Books:

- Bob's dogfights in combat! "Crap Shoot" and amazing gooks! Buy here:

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