Was the USA NASA Moon Landing Staged to Fool a 1960s World Audience?

20 days ago



The CIA Kidnaps and Drugs Journalist for Revealing Moon Landing Hoax


Apr 25, 2024

The American Journal

Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who is best known for his skepticism of the Apollo moon landings. Throughout his works he has revealed the official CIA code name for the real Apollo project, the military base where the first staged "moon landing" was filmed, and the names of fifteen United States government scientists and officials who were in attendance for the first moon landing falsification, some of whom are still alive today. You can find Bart on YouTube at @BartSibrel1, or by visiting his website at Sibrel.com.

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My Comment:

I think Bart Sibrel has put the final nail in the coffin for me when it comes to the USA NASA moon landing. Just too many things do not add up, and he does a good job at describing those inconsistencies. This is part of our walk with Yahvshua the Mashiyach to expose the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Remember Satan has deceived the entire world (Rev. 12:9) and it is the Deep States of all nations especially those Western nations after WWII that Satan has used the most, through their Intelligent Agencies that has stirred up mischief all around the world to bring about the Satanic New World Order, One World Leader the most.

Zechar’Yah/Zechariah chapter 6 is revealing what the House of Yudah/Jewish Nation (equal “MY People” in KJV Psalms 83:3 two tribes Yahudah and Benyamiyn) and the House of Yisrael/Ephrayim = UK and Menashsheh = USA are doing around the world (equal “My hidden ones” in KJV Psalms 83:3 Ten Tribes), read 1 Melekiym/Kings chapters 11 and 12. Zechar’Yah 6:3 the Grisled and Bay horses represent the camouflage of hiding, which the militaries and intelligence agencies use to hide and deceive their actions and locations. They run and control the House of Yudah and House of Yisrael’s Deep State Governments, which now that YaHVeH has taken down the hedge of protection, the Deep State of these governments are being controlled by Satan (Mat. 4:8 – 11; 2 Thes. 2). YaHVeH keeps HIS hedge of protection around the Body of Yahvshua, especially those who have the ruach of the Philadelphia called out/ekklesia. Begin to order your life around belief in and using the Hebrew names of Yahvshua the Mashiyach and YaHVeH the AB and HIS time clock, which are HIS weekly 7th day Sabbath (“Friday” sundown to “Saturday” sundown) and annual appointed time according to the zero visibility new moons and the Abib growth in the Promised Land. The chosen emissaries taught them to the gentiles. It wasn’t until Constantine 1 and the Council of Nicaea that the deception of doing away with YaHVeH’s times and laws began after Yahvshua the Mashiyach came in the flesh, hung on the stake, raised from the dead and ascended to the Right Hand of YaHVeH’s THRONE (Daniel 7:25). Visit the website managed in the name of Yahvshua Ben YaHVeH and read articles:




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