Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Doctors are NOT Taught about Vaccines in Medical School – 30 Second JAB ED

25 days ago

“We are basically given a piece of paper that says when the vaccines are due and when to give them.”

Dr. Suzanne Humphries: “You may not know this, but doctors are not taught about vaccines in medical school. We are not taught what is in vaccines, the adjuvants, we are not taught how vaccines are manufactured, as far as what kind of animals go into them, we are not taught the potential dangers of vaccination, we are basically given a piece of paper that says when the vaccines are due and when to give them.”

There is your 30 seconds of Vaccine Education. You now have the amount of Education as the average doctor. Congratulations!

Don’t you think there is a purpose to keeping doctors in the DARK?

Then Dr. Humphries did her own research on what she was told about Smallpox Vaccines and Polio Vaccines – two diseases she said she was “continuously told were eradicated by vaccination.”

Dr. Humphries found out that this was a total LIE. She wrote this in her book

She found that populations that stopped Vaccinating for Smallpox had a DECLINE in smallpox.

She says the Polio vaccination did not make polio go away and this story is a more complicated one.

Today Dr. Humphries spends 6 to 8 hours every single day researching immunology and everything she needs to know about vaccinations – the “deeper details of vaccinations.”

Dr. Humphries says that medical authorities use fear to get populations to get vaccinated and the authorities tell doctors to persuade you to get vaccinated, to use fear if necessary and even to kick you out of the office if you refuse to get vaccinated.

Nothing better than the “Doctor knows Best” attitude.

Vaccines are Safe & Effective and they Need to be Given.

The medical “authorities” do not want doctors or their patients looking into the data, they just want both to comply and they use the doctors as your higher authority, but the doctors don’t know any more than you do, they are just TOLD that the vaccines are safe and effective and are told to tell you that.

That’s how the vaccine game is played and that’s how they are setting children up for a lifetime of illnesses, diseases and a much shorter lifespan than their parents and grandparents.

What is ONE Question that a Doctor should Ask EVERY Single time someone comes in their office?

Doctors should ask “When was the last time you were vaccinated and what vaccine(s)?”

Do they? NOPE.

Their superiors would have a cow if they knew they were doing this and connecting some common sense dots.

They don’t want you to know and they don’t want your doctor to know. Just follow the orders, keep your mouth shut and don’t question the narrative.

Doctors actually believe what they are told most of them get vaccinated themselves.

What better way to get the masses to get vaccinated when the doctors themselves are taking the jabs?

Doctors do not have the time to educate themselves, they are too busy and they choose to do other things on their days off.

They certainly are not going to receive this education from med school.

There are TWO Sciences here – one by the Private Medical Industry and one by Independent Scientists and Researches. One has Big Pharma Interest and the other doesn’t.

Big Pharma Science has a MAJOR “Conflict of Interests.” They can design studies by word trickery that make them reach any endpoint they desire. That is how it is done. 100%.

Don’t worry about the Thimerosal (49% Mercury) and the Aluminum in the jabs, just trust the final headliners that say the vaccines are safe and effective.

Dr. Humphries goes over some date with Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated and the picture is very clear.

Then she goes over Tetanus Vaccines – one jab you do not want to take. You can watch the full video in the source #1 below.

Improvements in lifestyles, good hygiene and nutrition had more to do with the decline of death and the incidences of diseases than both antibiotic intervention and vaccinations.

*Please Watch this Important Video regarding Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Data → ***Steve Kirsch - Childhood Vaccines – Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children – Autism/ADHD Connection -- https://rumble.com/v3lc64y-steve-kirsch-childhood-vaccines-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-children-autisma.html

Source #1: Clipped 8:05 mark from Canal2ndOpinion -- Dr. Suzanne Humphries Lecture on vaccines and health FULL PART ONE -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFQQOv-Oi6U


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Thank You!!

END. 5/06/2024 – 9:00 PM

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