Genetic Engineering on Humans through mRNA-based “vaccine”-Technology!

1 month ago

Are people who were vaccinated with mRNA“vaccine“ technology genetically modified organisms? Why can this vaccine spread into breast milk? And why can the DNA contamination of these vaccines lead to new types of cancer or even turbo cancer? Stay tuned in and find out in the following program why the mRNA-based “vaccine” technology is dangerous for humans.

In 2019, during the coronavirus pandemic, a new type of vaccine technology Are people who were vaccinated with mRNA”vaccine” technology genetically modified organisms? Why can this vaccine spread into breast milk? And why can the DNA contamination of these vaccines lead to new types of cancer or even turbo cancer? Stay tuned in and find out in the following program why the mRNA-based “vaccine” technology is dangerous for humans

In 2019, during the coronavirus pandemic, a new type of vaccine technology – mRNA vaccine technology – was used in humans for the first time. As early as back then, doctors warned that this new technology was a field test on the whole of humanity without any serious scientific studies having been carried out on its consequences, before!

Today, almost four years after the introduction of this vaccine technology, almost all fears about the consequences of this mRNA-based technology have unfortunately come true. Molecular biologist Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, specialist in the field of RNA and epigenetics, [expert field of biology on the activation of genes by means of enzymes] have summarized the latest research results on mRNA-based vaccine technology in a leaflet. It is entitled: GAME OVER for the mRNA-based “vaccine” technology.

Before we briefly summarize this for you, a few explanations of terms. The mRNA corona vaccination is no longer referred to as a vaccination, but as a modRNA-based vaccine technology used in humans. modRNA, because it is artificially produced mRNA that cannot be compared with human mRNA in the body.

According to biologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, the coronavirus vaccination must therefore not be called a vaccination. Dr. Kämmerer said the following in an interview: “It’s not a vaccine in that sense, but it is genetic engineering. It is also not gene therapy, because nothing is being therapeutically treated, but it is genetic engineering. It is a genetically engineered application and, whereas with a real vaccine either a killed pathogen or a structure, i.e. a protein of a pathogen, is injected, I have a defined quantity that can no longer multiply in the body and is decomposed at some point and then only the immune response remains, so to speak. But now you force the human cells to act themselves like these bacteria in the ferment, i.e. to first produce the actual vaccines, without knowing how effectively they will procede, how long they will procede, whether this will go on for the whole of life, whether it will work its way into the cell nucleus. This means that all those who receive these injections, including future vaccines, are involuntary genetically modified organisms, initially.”

The results of the studies are summarized in the following. MRNA technology in the form of vaccines can lead to these consequences in humans: Chronic inflammation in every organ in the body, e.g. inflammation of the heart muscle and pericardium. The modRNA can be integrated into the DNA of human cells. If this takes place in male or female germ cells, the genome [= genetic material] of future generations is being altered. The modRNA vaccine technology, respectively the incorporation of modRNA into the body’s own cells can lead to new types of cancer and to turbo cancer in people who already have cancer!

In the following, Kla.TV has summarized some points from the leaflet and shares them here in abbreviated form. You will find the complete leaflet in the blue box below the program.

1. That’s what they tell you: “It's a vaccine”, but that’s not true.
It is not a “vaccine” as it meets all the criteria of a genetically engineered product. It contains synthetically produced modified mRNA, modRNA, which is packaged in lipid nanoparticles that transport the modRNA into our cells.

2. That’s what they tell you: “It’s mRNA”, but that’s not true.
It is not mRNA, but a modified mRNA, modRNA. Although this synthetically produced modRNA mimics natural mRNA, it has completely different features: Unlike natural mRNA, which degrades rapidly, modRNA of Covid-19”vaccines” has been detected in blood for up to 28 days and in tissue for up to eight weeks. The spike protein, which is produced by the injected modRNA, has been shown to circulate in the blood for up to six months.
DNA has also been found in the vaccines and this is completely unexpected. Large quantities of DNA impurities have been found in vaccine batches, the effects of which are worrying according to our current scientific knowledge. They can present an altered gene regulation [= control of the activity of genes] and a risk of integration into our genome [= genetic material].

3. That’s what they tell you: “The vaccine stays in your muscle”, but this is not true.
The “vaccine” was never intended to remain in the muscle, but to enter the bloodstream, lymph nodes and even breast milk.
Unlike the particles of conventional vaccines, the lipid nanoparticles containing the modRNA do not remain in the bloodstream. Instead, they can principly penetrate every cell in our body, including vital organs such as the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, stomach, ovaries and testicles.
The lipid nanoparticles are highly inflammatory and toxic. Repeated injections therefore increase the damage to our cells and can even lead to premature cell death. Frequently occurring, serious side effects are myocarditis and pericarditis, i.e. inflammation of the heart, especially in younger people. The inflammation likely results from an autoimmune attack on cells in the heart that have taken up the injected particles and expressed the spike protein [= show on the cell surface].

5. This is what they tell you: “mRNA cannot be integrated into DNA”, but this is not true.
The modRNA from the “vaccine” can be integrated into the DNA, as a fragment sequence of it was found in patient’s blood cells.
The DNA contaminants found in the modRNA injections from BioNTech/Pfizer contain a monkey virus sequence consisting of the Simian virus-40 (SV40) promoter sequence [= component of a gene that regulates its formation], which is known to enhance the transport of DNA into the cell nucleus. This increases the risk of integrating this foreign DNA into the genome [= genetic material] of our cells with unpredictable consequences.
If any such event takes place in male or female germ cells involved in fertilization, the offspring’s genome will be modified as well. Any genomic integration of a “vaccine”-derived sequence will likely result in the expression [= formation] of a foreign gene and aberrant gene regulation. The latter may result in the activation of oncogenes [= cancer gene] or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes [= genes in the cell’s genetic material that code for proteins preventing cancer], both of which will promote cancer. This risk is enhanced by the immunosuppression observed in many “vaccinated” people, which implies [= results in] an insufficient immune response against tumor cells. The result can be “turbo cancer”.

Ladies and gentlemen, the scientific research results on mRNA vaccine technology that this leaflet is based on are available worldwide and can be accessed on the Internet. But the licensing authorities and mainstream media are not willing to pick up a thorough reappraisal! Therefore, share this warning about the mRNA-based vaccine technology with the people in your personal environment and spread it as far as you can!

from ch.
Video by Dr. Kämmerer: Foreign-DNA in Corona-vaccines?

mRNA-based \„vaccine\“-technology: Game Over!

Turbo cancer through C-vaccination? Dr. med. Ute Krüger & Miriam Reichel

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