Viral Video by Protest Leader is SHOCKING!

1 month ago

A shocking viral video surfaced of Khymani James, a radical student leading the pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University, declaring, “Zionists don’t deserve to live. . . . I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.” This unhinged rant encapsulates the ideology motivating the radical college protests across the country at Columbia, Harvard, Yale, NYU, etc.
When this individual says “Zionists,” it isn’t just Israelis – it’s all Jews and really anyone who supports Israel.
This radical Leftist is literally declaring that Jews don’t deserve the right to exist. It’s outrageous.
The anti-Israel radical also said, “I think that taking someone’s life in certain case scenarios is necessary and better for the overall world.” This person is rationalizing killing Jews because just as the world sought to kill Hitler and the Nazis, so should the world also eradicate all Jews.
The rant originally took place in January, but with the Columbia protest going on, the student protestor has been highlighted by media outlets as a proud voice of the pro-Palestinian movement.
Again, this is not some fringe radical nutjob making these comments – this is an active student at Columbia who’s leading the charge in these protests.
Has this student protestor even been to the Middle East? This person clearly has no context of life in that part of the world.
The only place in the Middle East that is remotely like the United States – diversely accepts people from all ethnicities and religious backgrounds – is Israel. The second that you step across the border outside of Israel, you don’t get any of those rights.
These college campuses are supposedly the bastion of liberal thought that embraces opposing ideas. Clearly, the majority of college campuses care nothing about listening to different viewpoints.
The ACLJ is all for the rights of Americans to protest peacefully. But when radicals start calling for the deaths of Jews and committing acts of violence, they cross a line.
Such extreme rhetoric isn’t coming out of a vacuum. Far-left public education systems are teaching our children and young adults to hate America, and the results of such anti-American indoctrination are on full display right now.
Pro-Hamas riots on college campuses must stop. No Jewish student on a college campus in the United States should be subjected to hate speech calling for their death. The college administrators need to maintain control and protect all the students. It’s up to the universities to stand up for diversity of thought and free speech.

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