Christian Woman being Harassed by Unbelieving Religious Jews

1 month ago

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I'm a 2nd coming Messianic believer. We share many moral anf civil principles taught from the kodesh Scriptures with Christians. A couple things we don't share is Messianic's believe in the Hebrew Yahudiy root of teaching the glad news and using the Hebrew names of Yahvshua Ben YaHVeH. I also teach YaHVeH's zero visibility new moon to begin the Chodesh, the Abib Calendar and keeping the weekly 7th Day Sabbath, annual appoined times (Lev.23). We reject the pagan customs that Chistianity observes and have replaced YaHVeH’s weekly 7th day Sabbath and annual appointed times with (Dan. 7:25).

Here is a video of a Christian woman being harassed by unbelieving religious Jews/Yudiy, who are still looking for the first coming of the Mashiyach; due to their unbelief they will set up their own false messiah. I totally disagree and condemn what these unbelieving religious Yudiy are doing to this woman.

Hash Tags:

#False_Messiah #3rd_Temple #lying_wonders

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