Wed 17Apr24 The David Knight Show Unabridged – With Captions

1 month ago

(2:00) Total betrayal by "conservative" Speaker Johnson
Not a penny for our border but carte blanc for the military empire. Speaker Johnson says "I'm a war time Speaker - in a literal sense". So WHO are we at war with? WHEN did they hold a vote to declare war? Is Washington at war with the American people?
NSA is "just days from taking over the internet"
Opposition grows to Johnson in BOTH houses of Congress
Biden can't hold a press conference without a detailed cheat sheet
Jurors in Trump trial get 42 questions — here's some of them
Trump lawyers scrutinize social media postings of prospective jurors
(38:03) "Don't Criticize 'Anointed' Christiian Leaders" — Even If They Have Male Strippers Pole Dancing at a Men's Conference
Tell me that I'm not allowed to criticize, and YOU are the problem. Authoritarian politicians and pastors claim they're above criticism. Mark Driscoll walks back his criticism of debauchery at "Christian" Men's Conference from hell. "Pastor" John Lindell who arranged it all says we're not allowed to criticize people who are "anointed by God". By their fruit you will know them. Is it OK to have sexualized female strippers? How about Drag Queens? Men?

(50:46) The guy who used pastors to deceive people into getting the Trump poison with his "Christians and Vaccines" website (saying the "vaccine redeems the aborted fetal cell lines"), is back to silence Christians about politics (if they're conservative). This time he's funded by Rockefeller money.

(57:51) Localism, Lesser Magistrate, Christian Counties — Benedict, Boniface, and everything Between
Strategies, tactics, and even timeframes are openly discussed nationally/globally and it is vital to know their plans. But LOCAL is where we stop them

(1:17:02) From Autobahn To Auto BANS: Germany Caves to Climate Cult Petulant German dictator barks orders like Herr Hitler except Hitler wanted his people to have a Volkswagen (sales of VW EV's down by 25%) and an interstate highway system. Mercedes fights to have cheap Chinese EVs imported because affordable energy for manufacturing has essentially been banned as well.

(1:26:47) WATCH Did UAE cloud seeding have unintended consequences?
Is there a difference between cloud seeding and weather modification?

(1:34:30) Now RETAIL is Being Outsourced Abroad with VIRTUAL CLERKS
$3.00/hr foreign workers will replace Americans until the Chatbots & robots are ready. Newsom's $20/hr minimum wage for fast food chains was to accelerate the trend

(1:44:45) "De-colonizing Music" and "Math Equity" — dumb and dumber

(1:55:17) New rules from ATF to TRACK EVERY PRIVATE GUN SALE
— Trump & Biden executive orders are the gift that keeps giving power to the bureaucracy (the Swamp, the Deep State)

(2:05:33) INTERVIEW Kidnap & Kill: Documentary Reveals FBI Lies & Tactics in Whitmer "Kidnapping" Entrapment
The FBI has been running these types of entrapment for a long time but the so-called plot to kidnap Gov Whitmer brought in people and tactics that were used in Jan6. Christina,, lays out how the FBI manipulated people and the process from start to trail and gives an update on the victims.

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