FDA says ‘No Safety Signals’ Linking White Fibrous Blood Clots to COVID Shots – Are they Trustworthy

1 month ago

More than 70% of 269 embalmers surveyed found fibrous white blood clots — clots they weren’t finding pre-pandemic — in significant percentages of corpses in 2023.

The FDA said it hasn’t seen any related safety signals and observations made on cadavers fall outside the agency’s “regulatory purview.”

FDA said "safe and effective." We know that the CDC hid 770 triggered safety signals for up to 2 years. The Covid shot was also not effective.

"The FDA said it hasn’t seen any related safety signals and observations made on cadavers fall outside the agency’s “regulatory purview.”"

The FDA had no problem telling doctors not to use Ivermectin, even though they are not practicing medical doctors. The FDA had no problem rigging the Together Trial to fail.

The FDA had no problem downplaying the seriousness of myocarditis, despite 67% needed medical intervention/hospitalization.

The FDA says observations on cadavers are outside their regulatory purview, but they are holding secret, a number of autopsies performed on those who died after a Covid shot. They have been making observations about the autopsies, which they are withholding from the public.

So, if a there was a poison discovered in a bunch of jars of baby food which killed a lot of babies, would the FDA then claim that they cannot investigate because the babies are already dead?

The FDA is a front group for Big Pharma – 75% of their budget comes from Big Pharma, They are not going to investigate something where they already know the answer if that answer points out a serious problem with the product. Why would they want to take money OUT of their own pockets by doing this?

Robert Yochim – “I am a Retire Physician and I have learned NOT to Trust the Medical System!”

Is the FDA trustworthy?

F*ck no they aren’t.

They are a Terrorist Organization that aids and abets Big Pharma to commit crimes against humanity.

They have some very good people who do little things to make it appear as though that little picture is representative of the whole.

It is fraudulent scam, just like all the other 3 letter agencies who were created for our “protection.”

Source: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxkWFsJg34g


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Thank You!!

END. 4/18/2024 – 3:00 PM

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