Kennedy Is The Only Way Out - Trump And Biden Are Two Trompe L'Oeil

1 month ago


So Much For Anti-Racism: Now That The Democratic Party Is In Full Control Of Blacks And Catholics They Have Transformed North America Into South America.
Still Kennedy, who’s a Catholic too, Seems The Only Way Out From This Dangerous Impasse – Trump And Biden Are Two Trompe L’Oeil, They’re No Way-Outs, They Try To Look Like It, But They’re Not.
Both for Warp Speed, the Spying State, the Constitutional right to free speech, the merger of Government and Corporations, the wars and Russia and NATO the only one offering a real solution is RFK Jr and we must support him, both Trump and Biden talk but they don’t offer real solutions.
After all these years talking of racism, now that there are Blacks and non White-Protestant, let’s say Non-WASP in control of the DNC it’s worse. Gavin Newsom, Pelosi, Cuomo, Hochul, Biden as Catholics and Obama, Donna Brazile and Jaime Harrison as Blacks they have destroyed and in a humiliating way the Democratic Party, they made it treacherous and when they govern it’s a shit-hole see San Fra and New York or the Kingdom of Fentanyl I think Portland. This is it? All these people critcising the white cowboys, the John Waynes now they did better, I mean they managed to transform North America into South America. Someone stop them.

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