THE "15 MINUTE CITY" EXPLAINED - Windows On The World

2 months ago

THE "15 MINUTE CITY" EXPLAINED - Windows On The World
A product of the educational gulag Professor Carlos Moreno receives Obel Award 2021 for his ‘15-Minute City’ concept. The Franco-Colombian scientist's urban theory of ‘15-minute city’ is a concept where everyone has access to all facilities and resources within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. (Mark Windows, Feb 12, 2024).
The big distraction. MP3:
Many listen but few understand this is the story of the current age.
Too much information and not enough knowledge.
An already corrupted and easily steered population.
This is exactly what happens when you tell those of little knowledge what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear.
Always back into the circle of repetition
One thing that constantly appears is the comment “but what is the solution”
This makes no sense as the solution appears when you know what the problem actually is. It is in your reaction to the problem which brings a solution. The solution is to reduce the consequences of impositions on your immediate environment, that is where it starts.
The solution is to avoid being drawn into energy draining affairs of no consequences.
The solution is real knowledge over repeated group think.
The solution is not in any mass movement as they are all steered and controlled.
The solution is not getting harvested and controlled whilst having the knowledge of how things are working.
The solution is knowing the real goals underneath the stated objectives.
The solution is not looking for some big event or movement to change things for you, that is part and a big part of the problem.
Once you know how things work the solution should appear if you have any first hand knowledge of what is being imposed, why and by who.
This comment so, what is the solution is from the mind of those who have become dependent on others giving them the answers they want to hear, in other words a simple action that requires little or no thought that is followed without question. That is the problem.
The solution is hearing what you need to hear not what you think you want to hear
The Solution-
It seems that the word solution means to most a template which can be passed around to all.
This show considers how the “solution” has been presented over and over again and in our shows over the last many years. The follow up show “The Sinking Ship of Fools” follows up on this theme.
Yes, the public and the “antipublic” always say what’s the solution?
Sustainable Development means DEPOPULATION. It is Agenda 21. They use the words "sustainable development." It is a management of ALL Humans on the planet. It is a Global System that is operated at a Local level. Every human action will have to be accounted for. Climate Change is behind all of this... Racism is part of this. Races will be put against races, anything to divide the people, distract the people and create sides so we believe the enemy is one side or the other. They will create behavior that begs for “management.”
The word Communitarian – all humans must adhere to a set of “community standards.” Sound familiar digital creators?
The plan is being executed by the United Nations. It began with Nationalism, then went to Inter-Nationalism and now we have Globalism. The idea is that countries will not matter. The plan is a “Resettlement Plan”, in which the people will be moved into cities. By 2050 they want everyone living in “Smart Cities.” They would love to do this sooner.
The leaders who are puppets and know the plan and then you have the people who they call the useful idiots. Useful as the pay taxes and idiots, because they pay taxes. They don't know that their taxes are going into elite globalist pockets to fund their own demise.
The whole idea of the system is to make the public believe everything is being run as a democracy. But it isn’t. They will make it all appear like the Majority is in favor of their proposals. That is a lie. It is like “psuedo-peer pressure.”
Environmentalism will be a driver of the new system. You will have many locals who have been trained on the Sustainable Development Goals and will do everything to persuade others that the proposed bills, regulations, mandates and laws are what is best for their local communities.
Source (Windows On The World)
Video edition from proletarius64
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Source: "World Orders Review"
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