Rumble delivers more revenue for content creators than YouTube ever could

6 years ago

Video uploading has become easier and more lucrative in the past few years. And content creators have more choice than ever for delivering their videos to the world. YouTube was once the brand name for uploading videos and earning money. But there is a much better platform for reaching an unlimited audience and earning revenue that far surpasses what content creators could ever earn with platforms like YouTube.

It's called Rumble. Rumble has emerged as the best choice for uploaders for many reasons. As a video viewing platform, its user friendly presentation and organized setup allows video consumers to find entertaining content more easily. Rumble is gaining momentum with viewers and with advertisers who are looking for more streamlined, quality videos that better enable them to reach their intended audience through ad placement.

Advertising has changed dramatically and product suppliers are willing to pay much greater revenue for targeted marketing through videos.

What's important is that this all benefits the content creator, or video uploader in a number of ways. Simply put, creators can earn many times what they ever could on YouTube.

David McNab is a content creator who discovered Rumble and the potential to earn money almost by accident. In this video, he explains why Rumble is easily the best choice for content creators. He explains that he earns more than $1,000 every month. What he doesn't say though, is that with Rumble, he has earned more than 300 times what he earned on YouTube.

David explains that Rumble demands higher ad revenue, shares 60% of that revenue with the content creator (compared with the 10-15% that YouTube pays), and Rumble promotes your videos on Platforms that greatly increase exposure, views and revenue.

David is happy to share all that he has learned and will guide you through the process of setting up an account for free. He will teach you everything he has learned in two years so that you can build a channel that earns you money 24 hours a day.

He will teach you how to do basic editing, how to add copyright free music, how to create content that increases your chances of approval and how to promote your videos even further on social media.
Another incredible thing about Rumble is that the support team is accessible to the content creator to help them learn and grow their business. David has learned a great deal of what he now knows because the support team constantly provided him with support and feedback as he grew his own channel.

With 60% of the ad revenue, streamlined content for advertisers, unparalleled promotion, and ongoing personal support for creators, there is no platform that compares to Rumble.

Are you ready to start making money with videos? If so, you can register at and start earning right away. Better yet, contact David at and let him coach you and help you earn even more, much faster.

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