Pfizer Lied – Proof It’s NOT the Spike Protein – FDA Failure and Big Pharma Fraud - Sonia Elijah

2 months ago

Pfizer’s BioNTech did two Western Blot tests, which showed that they knew how to do them.

Thanks to the court ordered Pfizer Data Dump, Study 20-0211 revealed some unusual and shocking results that flat out PROVES Pfizer FALSIFIED Data.

Pfizer wrote the exact opposite in their description from this Western Blot.

Where is the FDA on this? Nowhere to be found. Not a word.

There is a reason that Pfizer asked the Courts to CONCEAL the Data for 75 Years.

Just incredible.

Why isn’t our Medical Field outraged?

Why isn’t the NIH all over this?

Most of the people reading this knows that there is an mRNA agenda and they will push this through no matter what. All the 3 letter agencies that front as a protective service for the people are really a protective service for the UN Agenda, Big Pharma and of course the One World Government in which the still play like we have our own Presidents here who work for American’s.

No we don’t. All of them have been SELECTED from Outside of America. They put them on the stage and we think we ELECT them.

Now they have software that can control elections if they decide to make a last minute change. They dotting their I’s and crossing their T’s, covering all bases, to make sure they are in complete control.

This is Investigative Independent Journalist, Sonia Elijah who formerly was employed by the BBC. On
APRIL 15, 2023, at The Spotlight Conference, in Stavanger Norway. Sonia Elijah presented the results of her analysis of documents submitted by Pfizer-BioNTech.
These documents only became available publicly thanks to a court order after a freedom of information request.
Pfizer-BioNTech was tasked to produce western blot assays, which is a technique to identify specific proteins, in order to show that their batches were identical and that their gene therapy instructed the body to ONLY produce spike proteins.

In this test the gene therapy was brought in contact with cells, which are then supposed to produce proteins according to the recipe coded in the synthetic mRNA present in the lipid nanoparticle casing.

The expressed proteins are then segregated according to the molecular weight in the western blot assay. The results show that there are almost no proteins which have the weight of the intended spike protein (141 kDa) or its S1 subunit (76.5 kDa).

NB: Kilodalton (kD, kDa): "An atomic mass unit equal to 1,000 daltons; usually used to describe the molecular weight of large molecules such as proteins."

Instead, a high portion of proteins with molecular weight of about 100 and 190 kDa was found. Its unknown what these proteins are, but it's not the spike protein that the public was led to believe.

Well we ever know what the true contents of the dirty jabs?

There are still a lot of Unknowns and Big Pharma is going to push these mRNA’s in EVERY Vaccine.

Wake Up!



1. frankploegman –

2. Download the Pfizer – BioNTech Study - 20-0211 here and go to page 15 →

3. Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data: Part 1 (Paywall)

4. Part 2: Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech/Pfizer Falsified Key Data & Further Scandals

5. Western blot – Wikipedia

6. Dalton (unit) – Wikipedia



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END. 3/11/2024.

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