Sunak’s takeover – a coup by high finance?

2 months ago

Rishi Sunak recently became the new prime minister of Great Britain. Media in Germany are already raving about the British Obama moment, Sunak, the first non-white British prime minister, a smart, devout Hindu, always elegantly dressed. At first glance, a dream cast. Is it really? Let’s take a closer look at Rishi Sunak in this broadcast: What are his credentials? Who is he connected with and where is he going to lead the country?

Who is Rishi Sunak?
Rishi Sunak is married to Akshata Murthy. They have two children. Murthy is the daughter of billionaire Narayana Murthy, co-founder of IT giant Infosys, one of India's largest companies which operates in 50 countries around the world and gained $13.5 billion in 2021. Akshata Murthy also holds shares in the company. As a result, the Sunaks are among the richest British families; their fortune is estimated at €838 million, which is said to be about twice the fortune of King Charles and his wife.

If you look at the stages of Sunak's impressive career so far, he has got close connections to the financial elite:
- He studied at the elite universities of Oxford and Stanford.
- From 2001-2004, he was an analyst for the investment bank Goldman Sachs
- From 2006, Sunak worked for the hedge fund TCI, later moving on to the hedge fund Thélème

Brief explanation: Hedge funds are particularly risk-free investment funds offered to a small circle of very wealthy investors. They operate with a wide range of financial instruments, including those which use is prohibited by law to other investment funds, such as derivatives or short selling.

- From 2013-2015, Sunak was a director at his father-in-law's investment firm

Questionable practices as businessman and politician
- According to the Times report, Sunak, along with other hedge fund bosses, made 100 million pounds in 2008 by betting in a stock market which, according to newspaper reports, helped trigger the 2007/2008 financial crisis. As a result, he became a multimillionaire by his mid-20s.
- As finance minister, Sunak raised taxes so that Britons now shoulder the highest tax burden since World War 2. His own wife, however, a “tax non-resident”, used the so-called “non-dom” scheme to avoid taxes. Even though her husband held one of the highest offices in the state, she indicated that her main residence was not in Great Britain. Therefore, she was able to save massive amounts of tax by paying a relatively ridiculously low fee of 30,000 British pounds. The British treasury consequently lost an estimated 20 million pounds.
- Sunak was criticized as well when it became known that he had a U.S. green card. Even during his time as minister, leading to the assumption he might again have obtained tax advantages.
- Although the Johnson administration imposed strict departure regulations on the population during the corona pandemic, Johnson celebrated his notorious birthday party with Sunak, amongst others, for which he was later fined as a result.
Let’s conclude: Sunak acts along the motto: preach water, drink wine. He imposes harsh measures on the general public, yet bypasses these as soon as they affect himself.

Hedge funds paving the way to power
Looking at Sunak’s political career, one also wonders whether everything has been going on properly. After joining the Conservative Tory Party in 2014, he became member of the House of Commons only one year later, in 2015. The question arises as to how the young, then still unknown man could have managed, just after one year of party membership, to acquire a safe constituency, which the Tories continuously obtained over 100 years? Could someone have had a hand on this? After all, Sunak is an official participant at the World Economic Forum (WEF for short), which is known for placing its people in key political and business positions. Leading politicians such as Merkel, Trudeau, or Baerbock all come from the WEF organization.
Therefore, it is not surprising that Sunak was also appointed to the government as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2020 by Boris Johnson. In early July, after various scandals, Sunak resigned as minister along with Health Minister Javid, sharply attacking Johnson in the process. Their prominent resignations contributed significantly to the wave of opposition within the Conservative Party that eventually forced Johnson’s resignation as party leader and head of government.

Sunak now wanted to become head of government, but the Tory party base ruled him out in the decisive membership vote and chose his opponent, Liz Truss.

However, the party base did not reckon with the host, i.e. the large hedge funds. Shortly thereafter, the hedge funds put the new government in dire straits. When its new finance minister, Kwarteng, presented a plan for a radical, debt-based tax reduction program, representing a complete setback of the financial policy of his predecessor Sunak, there was great turbulence on the financial markets: The British pound plummeted massively and fell to an all-time low in the following days. The market for British government bonds also spiraled out of control, bringing large British pension funds to the brink of collapse, as they had invested heavily in government bonds. The retirement pensions of many Britons were about to be pulverized. The collapse of the pension funds was prevented only thanks to the Bank of England intervening and buying up billions in government bonds. In view of the disaster, Truss lost support among members of Parliament and was forced to resign. Now the way was open for Sunak. He, the ex-investment banker who had previously warned of his tax plans in the race against Truss, is now trusted to win back the confidence of the markets.

However, the question remains whether the market mechanisms unintentionally got out of control or whether this quake was triggered deliberately? Because almost exactly 30 years earlier, in 1992, George Soros with his hedge fund "Quantum Funds" had demonstrated how you can cause a currency to crash massively. By tactically selling billions of pounds in foreign currencies, Soros and other speculators forced the pound to slide by 25% against the dollar. As a result, Great Britain had to leave the European currency system. Soros, on the other hand, made a profit of one billion U.S. dollars with his gambles against the pound and the currency sales in the process.

And this time, too, hedge funds seem to have played a decisive role. According to a report in the Times, Truss met for dinner with various hedge fund managers shortly before the tax plans were to be published. It seems reasonable to assume that inside information was exchanged and that a quick reaction was possible. Indeed, within minutes of the tax plans announcement, the pound plummeted and various hedge funds made massive profits. But that was not enough. After Truss had replaced her finance minister, the new finance minister, Jeremy Hunt, who may keep this post under Sunak, appointed an advisory board, exclusively composed of hedge fund managers and major bankers, including representatives of Blackrock, Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan and the U.S. hedge fund “Element Capital”.

Let’s conclude: So far, hedge funds are the profiteers that gain multiple times: On the one hand, they have earned massive profits at the expense of the citizens, they have placed one of their own kind at the top of the country with Sunak, and they now sit at the controls of power as government advisors. In other words, Great Britain is definitely in the hands of the hedge funds. But what do these funds expect from their new figure at the top?

As Prime Minister, in which direction is Sunak going to lead the United Kingdom?
One can assume that Sunak will continue his policy of high taxes and severe spending cuts. Finance Minister Hunt has already almost completely agreed with the previous government's planned tax cuts and relief packages, leading the journey for citizens to be direct and tight, in line with the WEF agenda. Afterall, isn’t the maxim “You will own nothing and be happy?”

In addition, Sunak is a strong protagonist of digital central bank currency. This would provide the financial elite with extensive instruments. For example, negative interest rates could be imposed without restraint, since there will no longer be any cash for citizens to withdraw. In addition, citizens would become financially completely transparent since every transaction would be visible to both the banks and the state. Citizens who disagree with the government's policies and make this public are particularly at risk. Opponents can be completely excluded from public life by having their accounts blocked, therefore unable them to pay their rent or buy food or use public transportation, as it is already the case in China today.

Concerning the digital central bank currency, we come full circle to Rishi Sunak's father-in-law and his IT company Infosys. Like Sunak himself, Infosys is a partner of the World Economic Forum, WEF, and is currently developing the technical infrastructure for such a digital central bank currency. This could become the basis for the global social credit system the WEF is seeking along the Chinese model.

Conclusion: It seems that Rishi Sunak was deliberately placed to the highest office in Great Britain that is closely networked with the digital-financial complex and the WEF.

Fears are justified that Sunak is going to use his position of power to set the course for the Great Reset pursued by the WEF, as well as the cashless society that goes along with it.

from tz
Who is Rishi Sunak?

Questionable practices as a businessman and politician:

How did Sunak come to power?-

In what direction will Sunak lead the United Kingdom as prime minister?

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