'Under Our Skin' MOVIE "The Terrifying Real Life Drama & Medical Controversy Of 'Lyme' Disease"

2 months ago

'Under Our Skin' Movie "The Terrifying Real Life Drama & Medical Controversy Of 'Lyme' disease"

March. 4, 2024. Lyme Disease, Movie, Documentary, Bio Weapon, HIV, AIDS, Medical, Malfeasance, Criminal, Medicine, Weapons, Lyme Disease, Movie, Documentary, Bio Weapon, HIV, AIDS, Medical, Malfeasance, Criminal, Medicine, Weapons, Disease X, Medical Breakdown, WHO Pandemic Treaty, DiseaseX, Doctor, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption,

Under Our Skin: Part 1 & 2 Movies In One Video - Is Lyme Disease A Bioweapon?

Under Our Skin: Part 1 & 2
(Both Lyme Disease Documentaries In One Video - Is Lyme Disease A Bioweapon?)


Is Lyme Disease, like COVID, another government-funded bioweapon?
Is Anthony Fauci also connected to this devastating disease?
Read the description below for details.

Under Our Skin: Part 1 & 2 (Both Lyme Disease Documentaries In One Video - Is Lyme Disease A Bioweapon?)

Under Our Skin: Part 1 (2009)

In the early 1970's, a mysterious ailment was discovered among children living around the town of Lyme, CT. What was first diagnosed as isolated cases of juvenile arthritis, eventually became known as Lyme disease, an illness triggered by spiral-shaped bacteria, similar to the microorganisms that cause syphilis. Today, many of those untreated will suffer chronic debilitating illness. Some unknowingly will pass the disease onto their unborn children. Many will lose their livelihoods, and still others, their lives.

Yet Lyme disease is one of the most misunderstood and controversial illnesses of our time. Difficult to test accurately, tens of thousands of people go undiagnosed -- or misdiagnosed with such conditions as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autism, MS and ALS. The Centers for Disease Control estimates more than 300,000 people acquire Lyme disease each year, a number greater than breast cancers and AIDS combined. And yet, the medical establishment -- with profound influence from the insurance industry -- has stated that the disease is easily detectable and treatable, and that “chronic Lyme” is some other unrecognized syndrome or a completely psychosomatic disorder.

UNDER OUR SKIN is a powerful and often terrifying look not only at the science and politics of the disease, but also the personal stories of those whose lives have been affected and nearly destroyed. From a few brave doctors who risk their medical licenses, to patients who once led active lives but now can barely walk, the film uncovers a hidden world that will astound viewers. While exposing a broken health care and medical research system, the film also gives voice to those who believe that instead of a crisis, Lyme is simply a "disease du jour," over diagnosed and contributing to another crisis: the looming resistance of microbes and ineffectual of antibiotics. As suspenseful and hair-raising as any Hollywood thriller, UNDER OUR SKIN is sure to get under yours.

Under Our Skin: Part 2 (Emergence) (2014)

In this dramatic follow-up to the widely acclaimed UNDER OUR SKIN, EMERGENCE takes the viewer on a journey from horror to hope. We witness the emerging epidemic of Lyme disease as infection and education spread globally. We watch as the truth emerges about the disease’s persistence and reach, about promising new research, and about medical collusion and conflicts of interest that continue to impede progress. We revisit the characters from UNDER OUR SKIN as they emerge into better health, reclaiming their lives and dignity, and offering hope to the legions now suffering. As Lyme disease surges, EMERGENCE shines a probing light on the issue and becomes a beacon in the dark.

Under Our Skin Website:

Lyme Disease, Movie, Documentary, Bio Weapon, HIV, AIDS, Medical, Malfeasance, Criminal, Medicine, Weapons, Disease X, Medical Breakdown, WHO Pandemic Treaty, DiseaseX, Doctor, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, W.H.O PANDEMIC TREATY, DOCUMENTARY,

Learn how COVID-19 was a trial run to war game independent free media's response to their lock-downs, toxic shots, mandates, and how to censor those voices when the nebulous Disease X rears it's globalist head.

Disease X is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic. The WHO adopted the placeholder name to ensure that their planning was sufficiently flexible to adapt to an unknown pathogen (e.g., broader vaccines and manufacturing facilities). Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci stated that the concept of Disease X would encourage WHO projects to focus their research efforts on entire classes of viruses (e.g., flaviviruses), instead of just individual strains (e.g., zika virus), thus improving WHO capability to respond to unforeseen strains. In 2020, experts, including some of the WHO's own expert advisors, speculated that COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus strain, met the requirements to be the first Disease X.

Vaccine and drug inquire … postponed


Public hearings for the Inquiry’s fourth investigation, into vaccines and therapeutics

The hearings were provisionally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2024. They will now take place at a later date,

to enable organisations to prioritise providing evidence for the Inquiry’s third investigation on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare


Covid Inquiry's probe into vaccines is delayed indefinitely as chair admits postponement will be 'disappointing for some'

Hearings for fourth module of the official inquiry were set to begin this summer

A long-awaited probe into the development of Covid vaccines and drugs was today postponed indefinitely.

"There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge,"

Disease X is looming


The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic,

March 2024, 3/3/2024, 3/3/24, 03/03/24, 01/03/2024, 3-3-2024, 03-03-24, 2024-03-03 2024/03/03, Mar. 03rd 2024, March 3rd 2024,

March 2024, 3/4/2024, 3/4/24, 03/04/24, 01/04/2024, 3-4-2024, 03-04-24, 2024-03-04 2024/04/03, Mar. 04th 2024, March 4th 2024,

Lyme Disease, Movie, Documentary, Bio Weapon, HIV, AIDS, Medical, Malfeasance, Criminal, Medicine, Weapons, Disease X, Medical Breakdown, WHO Pandemic Treaty, DiseaseX, Doctor, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, W.H.O PANDEMIC TREATY, DOCUMENTARY, Dr. 'David Martin, Medical Speech, David E. Martin, 2024, International 'Covid' Summit, Disease X, Medical Breakdown, WHO Pandemic Treaty, DiseaseX, Doctor, World Health Organization, W.H.O, Big Pharma, mRNA Vaccines, Dr, Big Pharma, Health, News, Interview, Medical, Medicine, Vaccines, International Crimes Investigative Committee, Pandemics, Pandemic, Medical Corruption, Science, Medicine, Dr, MD, COVID, News, Trending, Covid News, David Martin, Medical Videos, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid, vaccines, bioweapons, chemical weapons, News, Breaking News, Genocidal Crimes, W.H.O PANDEMIC TREATY, DOCUMENTARY, Non Fiction, Viral, Musical, Breaking News, Live Streams, Podcasts, Trending News, News, Conspiracies, Republicans, Politics, Music, Entertainment, Gaming, Faith, Religion, Entertainment, Life, Viral, Sports, Education, Space, Chatting, Call, Duty, Travel, Comedy, Ambiance, Nature, Sounds, Science, Vlogs, Health, Fitness, Rock Music, TV, Movies, Life Coaching, Instrumentals, Finance, Films, Movies, Compilations, Funny, Cute Animals, Cover Songs, IRL, Epic Fails, Indie Music, Natural Phenomena,Christian, Gospel,Funny, Weird, Supernatural, Paranormal, ASMR, Roblox, Artists, Creativity, Creative, Visuals, How To, Crypto, Delicious, Recipes, Hip-Hop, Sports, News, Priceless, Moments, American, Truck, Simulator, Film Reviews, Time Lapses, UFOs, UAPs, Enlisted, Music, Fascinating, People, Tricks, Shots, Grand Theft, Law, Video Game, Reviews,Wild, Wildlife, World, Warcraft, 3D, Printing, Cooking, Boxing, Wrestling, Reactions, Auto, Technology, NWO, Wars, Among Us, Ancient Civilizations, Survival Evolved, Art, Crafts, Astrology, Babies, Kids, Adults, Beauty, Fashion, Camping, Outdoors, Cats, Kittens, Celebrity, Gossip, Classical Music, Close Calls, Country, Music, Creativerse, Dash Cam, Footage, DC Universe, Online, Darkness, Daylight, Democrat Politics, Do It Yourself, Dogs, Puppies, Electronic, Repair, Electronics, Unboxings, Everyday, Heroes, Extreme, Sports, Firearms, Football, Throttle, Cars, Trucks, Boats, Airplanes, Trains, Gambling, Slots, Casino, God, War, Fantasy, Versus, Rising, Heartwarming, Families, Heavy Metal, Music, Heroic Animals, Homesteading, Drivers, Hunting & Fishing, Jazz Music, Karaoke, Memorable, Weddings, NBA, Extinction, Sky, Ocean Life, Human, Animals, Plants, Pop Music, Pranks, R&B, Music, Railway, Danger, Road Rage, Role Playing, Games, Sea, Stars, Thieves, Shark Attacks, Civilization, Soccer, Social Experiments, Software & Development, Special Events, Sports, Bloopers, Citizen, Star Wars, Survivor, Arts And Crafts, Stock Market, Strange, Weather, Fighters, Guys, Girls, Stunts, Daredevil, Stupid, Criminals, True Crime, Tutorials, Animals, Unusual Talents, Virtual Reality, Warfare, Mysteries, Science, World of, World Travel, World War, Podcasts, Trending, News, News, Conspiracies, 24x7, Republican, Politics,

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