Munich Security Conference – Military Branch of Worldwide Shadow Government?!

3 months ago

The Munich Security Conference will take place from 16 to 18 February, 2024. It will be the opportunity to celebrate its 60th anniversary. The Munich Security Conference was founded in 1963 and takes place annually as an international conference in Munich in which politicians, military and business representatives as well as non-governmental organizations, among other things, hold strategic debates on the global security situation. While the arms industry acts as a sponsor, the Munich Security Conference describes its objectives externally as follows: The Munich Security Conference is the world’s leading forum for debate on international security policy. The Munich Security Conference aims to build trust and to contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts by sustaining a continous, curated and informal dialoge within the international security community – in line with its original motto – “peace through dialog”.

But how can the Munich Security Conference advocate for peace and contribute to conflict resolution when its sponsors are arms companies that make money from war? There is a clear conflict of interest here. The latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict show just how committed the Munich Security Conference has been to the peaceful settlement of conflicts in recent years. Here are four examples:

1. First Example
2. As early as 2015, after the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict in 2013/2014, the then Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, spoke out in favor of the US delegation’s plans to supply weapons to Ukraine. Ischinger considered this to be “appropriate and important”.

The same approach can also be observed at the Security Conference in February 2023: The new chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, continued to vehemently defend the delivery of German Leopard battle tanks to Ukraine. At the time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also demanded with regard to Ukraine: “We need permanent production of our most important weapons systems.”
After all, Russia’s representatives have no longer been invited to the Munich Security Conference since 2023.

All four examples mentioned, however, show no effort on the part of the Munich Security Conference to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict peacefully through an open dialog, but on the contrary: the conflict is being fueled further by arms deliveries and the prevention of agreements!

The question therefore arises: If the Munich Security Conference does not serve to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict peacefully, what purpose does it serve? And what are the actual goals of the Munich Security Conference and what backgrounds are the population not even aware of? In order to answer these questions, we need to look at the history of the Munich Security Conference, the people and organizations behind it.

Backers of the Munich Security Conference
The founders
The forerunner of the Security Conference is the „Internationale Wehrkunde Begegnung“. It was initiated in 1963 by Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin, a German officer and resistance fighter. The first meeting was limited to 60 participants, including Helmut Schmidt and Henry Kissinger.

Henry Kissinger, who died in 2023, is considered one of the initiators of the Munich Security Conference. He is known as a global strategist who shaped world politics for decades. Henry Kissinger had been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations since 1956 – later on the board of the CFR – and was a regular participant in the Bilderberg meetings. He was active at the management level of the Bilderberg Group – the Advisory Board. Since 2009, the Munich Security Conference has honored personalities with the so-called Ewald von Kleist Prize. The first award went to Henry Kissinger.

The chairmen
From 2008 to 2022, the Munich Security Conference was chaired by Wolfgang Ischinger. Ischinger is a German lawyer and diplomat. He has repeatedly attended the Bilderberg Conference and the World Economic Forum, WEF. He is also a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, the European branch of the CFR. He was also well acquainted with Henry Kissinger and gave a speech at the ceremony celebrating Henry Kissinger’s hundredth birthday. Ischinger mentioned in his speech that the founder of the Munich Security Conference, Ewald von Kleist, had been in close contact with Henry Kissinger for many decades.

Interim conclusion:
If you just look at the founders and chairmen of the Munich Security Conference, there are clear links to global strategist Henry Kissinger, the Bilderberg Group and the CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations.

The members of the Advisory Council
In 2009, the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council was established to support the Chairman in the strategic direction and development of the Security Conference. Most members of the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council have already participated in Bilderberg conferences: Paul Achleitner, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG, from 2012 to 2022. He attended the Bilderberg Conferences from 2015 to 2019 and is a member of the Leadership Committee.
Oliver Bäte is Chairman of the Board of Management of Allianz SE. He attended the Bilderberg Conference in 2017 and is a member of the German group of the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is a private policy-advising think tank and was founded in July 1973 on the initiative of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. It serves as a forum for exchange between elites of North America, Western Europe and Japan.

NATO’s connection to the Munich Security Conference
Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary-General of NATO, also regularly attends the Munich Security Conference. Stoltenberg, who is also a member of the Bilderberg Group, here during his speech at the Munich Security Conference 2023.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is clearly recognizable: Almost all members on the leadership of the Munich Security Conference have connections to the Bilderberg Group, the CFR and the ECFR. As Kla.TV has outlined in various broadcasts, these were set up as a shadow government by the Rockefeller family and their allies such as Henry Kissinger and George Soros. Their goal is the implementation of a New World Order and the establishment of a one-world government. Let us therefore take a brief look at these organizations.

The organizations behind the Munich Security Conference and their interests
The Bilderberg Group and the CFR

Kla.TV has already reported extensively on the Bilderberg Group on the program. The Bilderberg Group – the secret shadow government?

The European Council on Foreign Relations
The ECFR, the European branch of the CFR, was primarily founded and financed by George Soros. George Soros himself was a member of the Advisory Council of the Munich Security Conference until 2020. Alongside David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, Soros is considered as one of the global strategists when it comes to setting up a hidden shadow government.

Kla.TV reported on George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, in the program “George Soros – The Global Strategist’s Network Revealed”

If you consider all of this in summary, it cannot be denied that the Munich Security Conference does not serve the security of the European population, but rather, the interests of a few global strategists and think tanks. Could it be that, bypassing the nation states and ignoring the will of the people it has become the military arm of the secret world government consisting of the Bilderberg Group, the CFR and the ECFR – or was even founded for this purpose?

The German newspaper “Die Linke” wrote aptly on February 4, 2010: “The Munich Security Conference remains a meeting that is dominated by the arms industry and war politicians, and at which the world’s leading military powers discuss their wars of intervention and provide each other with legitimacy.”

By spreading this program, you can help uncover such connections and backgrounds and place the Munich Security Conference under worldwide observation! Only when the masterminds behind the wars are brought to light will there be hope for peace!

We conclude with a quote from the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910): “In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious, even when successful.”
Song: Not for my life

Bombs are falling, people dying.
I cry: When will there be peace on earth?
Children in the war zone,
they stand there crying,
asking: When is this war over, Mummy?
Can’t sleep at night anymore
because bad guys are playing with global power.
Missiles bash into rooms…
You ask: Oh, my God, how can that be??

I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Never would I take up arms
against you, oh not for my life.
I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Because you are me and God lives in you.
Your life is my life.
God lives in me, too.

Soldiers, lay down your arms.
It’s enough of dying for the wrong ones.
Again and again we sit in the trenches,
thinking we do good, taking care of evil.
How many more dead colleagues?
Is it not enough yet?
Not one more soul may die for this fraud.

Can’t sleep at night anymore
because bad guys are playing with global power.
Missiles bash into rooms…
You ask: Oh, my God, how can that be??

I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Never would I take up arms
against you, oh not for my life.
I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Because you are me and God lives in you.
Your life is my life.

You know, I don’t take up arms
because in our daily lives we need to create peace.
The biggest love is to love your friends,
to train at home, defeating division.
Until we all can sleep again at night
and bad guys have gambled away their power.
And children can walk on the streets, laughing again.
My God, this life I’m still gonna see…

I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Never would I take up arms
against you, oh not for my life.
I am the peace for this world
even when a whole army opposes me.
Because you are me and God lives in you.
Your life is my life.
God lives in me, too.

from CH/MW/bub.

Participants 58th Security Conference

Video on Munich Security Conference 2023_Highlights

Sponsors and aims of Munich Security Conference,_des_Lied_ich_sing

Lockheed Martin – Arms Company

Angela Merkel – Participation in Munich Security Conference

Angela Merkel’s Statement on Minsk Agreement

Boris Johnson prevents Signing the Peace-Treaty
Einschätzung von General Kujat im März 2023

Assessment of General Kujat in November 2023,

starting from Minute 28:44

Munich Conference, US-Arms Delivery to Ukraine

Russia excluded from Munich Security Conference

Participants 2023

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin

Horst M. Teltschik

Wolfgang Ischinger


Connections Munich Security Conference with WEF and CFR

Oliver Bäte

Carl Bildt

Josep Borrell

Thomas Enders

Fu Ying

John F. Kerry

Radosław Sikorski

George Soros

George Soros and son

here with George Soros:

here with Alexander Soros:

Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide

James G. Stavridis

Arancha González Laya

Jane Harman


Richard Haass

Representatives of Rockefeller Brothers Fund at Munich Security Conference

Peace Project of EU is at war

Quote Leo Tolstoi

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