Cops Bleed-Aliens Walk

3 months ago

It’s a cold Saturday night on 42nd Street in Times Square. Let’s say you are one of New York City’s finest… a uniformed police officer ordered to deal with a disorderly crowd. As you and your partner try to take the group’s ringleader into custody you are suddenly and brutally attacked by a mob. While you’re on the sidewalk attempting to subdue a non-compliant subject, you are savagely kicked in the head again and again by multiple assailants.

Eventually, five attackers ARE detained…all illegal aliens. Others are still on the loose. But the five arrested and arraigned are immediately released back onto the street without bail. Local TV reports indicate four of those defendants may have promptly left the state and might never see the inside of a New York City courtroom or state prison cell.

So, how do you feel about this entire episode if you are one of the policemen who risked his life to keep the streets of New York City safe for law-abiding citizens? You expect strong support from your mayor, but his spokesman refuses to address the attackers’ illegal status, releasing instead a generic, milk-toast press release which reads, “Violence — of any kind, and no less against our officers — is unacceptable and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Hey, everyone knows how inconvenient it would be for Mayor Eric Adams to point his finger of blame at any illegal aliens. They form a protected class in woke America.

And as for that full prosecution…we can already see how that is likely to work out.

Our justice system in the United States is broken, and we suspect the morale of our brave police officers is hanging in the balance. Fortunately, some Americans still recognize and respect the badge and those that wear it. One such agency is InVest USA. We use your donations to purchase gear that saves police and first responders’ lives. If you would like to show that “blue lives matter, visit InVest U S A dot org and click the “donate tab” at the top or bottom of the page. A box will open at PayPal where you can help purchase the active shooter vests that our law enforcement authorities so desperately require.

On their behalf, we thank you.!/donation/checkout

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