The Serpent's Kitchen: Raw Primal Venom Shake Recipe (Basic Version)

4 months ago

You will need the following :

4 quality raw eggs

Raw Goat or raw Cows milk

5 grams Psyllium husk powder



Mix everything together and blend.

To learn more about raw eggs & why I consume them, consider checking out the following videos of mine:

🥚🐔 RAW~EGGS 🐔🥚 NATURES SUPER-FOOD. Why I Drink Them Daily.

Discussing Raw & Cooked Eggs, Health, What I Eat, ETC... A Mini Random Rant

🥚 How I Eat Raw Uncooked Eggs 🥚 & How To Get Used To Them 🥚

The Correct Way To Eat Raw Eggs ( Cup & Chew Method )

When it comes to raw eggs, many people just slam them down because they find them gross. Although I understand, this is a flawed approach. Overtime, as you consume raw eggs, you will find that your appetite/cravings for them will increase. What I used to find gross I now find desirable. It is very difficult to achieve this if you are slamming raw eggs down and not breaking the yolk/tasting them before swallowing. To eat a raw egg properly bite it and break the yolk prior to finishing it. Swoosh it around in your mouth for a few seconds, preferably 5-10 and then swallow. This will break everything apart and predigest things by increasing surface are prior to being introduced to the stomach. This ensures that you get the most nutrition out of what you are consuming. Raw eggs are high in choline, b-vitamins, caratenoids, iodine, selenium and healthy cholesterol/fats!

Raw eggs are incredible. I have been consuming them frequently for a very long time now and I am deriving benefit from doing so. My body loves them so much that I cannot even stomach cooked eggs any longer. I consume 1-6 raw pastured eggs daily.

There is a good chance that once you start consuming raw eggs you will begin to crave them that way. When I first started doing this I cringed at the taste but overtime my tastebud's changed and now this is the only way I will consume eggs other than in a milkshake. When eggs are cooked they are rendered nutritionally inadequate in comparison to raw eggs. I do indeed believe that nature intended for humans to only cook eggs when needed ( if they are going bad i.e ) and that we are much better off eating them raw.

Let's discuss the power of raw eggs and how to eat them properly if you do choose to consume them cooked. I would only suggest eating eggs cooked if they are soft boiled or cooked in butter on low. I know this sounds like a pain but your body and brain will thank you in the long run. When eggs are heated for too long the protein, cholesterol, and molecular integrity becomes denatured. This in turn translates to poor absorption and assimilation within the human body. I prefer to eat 90 % of my eggs in their raw state but I will from time to time eat them cooked. Eat them cooked with plenty of salt to aid in digestion and mineral absorption. I would also suggest never eating raw eggs from conventional sources. Only consume them raw if they are organic, fed and taken care of properly. There is nothing grosser than a raw egg from a sick chicken.

Eggs are relatively high in iodine and selenium, fat soluble vitamins, healthy cholesterol, protein, and a handful of other amazing nutrients such as but not limited to carotenoids, b12, magnesium, calcium, omega 3/6, saturated fat, vitamin a, d, & e, folate, choline, etc.

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