Sunak and Starmer choose to side with genocide.

4 months ago

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are fully behind the US as all three declare support for attacking Houthis in Yemen - over Israel.
Right so, last night, without a parliamentary vote, our unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak decided he can find some money for war when there’s never any for public services of course, and begin a bombing campaign against the Houthis in Yemen, jumping on Genocide Joe’s coat-tails to bomb Yemen. No mandate to run a lemonade stand in this country, let alone take us into war in the Middle East, but of course the reasons for doing so are even worse. The Houthis have imposed a blockade in the Red Sea to Israeli shipping. They were driving away ships, using rockets and drones and speedboats, and up until the US turned up with a warship, nobody had died. Then the US destroyed three Houthi boats, killing 10 Houthis. Yemen is doing this in solidarity with Gaza, when Israel is inflicting as genocide on the people there. This is in court now, this happened between hearings at the Hague. We are literally getting involved in conflict to allow a genocidal nation to carry on committing genocide. I am utterly revolted at what Sunak has done, but it gets more despairing than that, because as usual, Red Tory Keir Starmer has come out in support of this!
Right, so Joe Biden has gone to war with Yemen and Rishi Sunak has basically gone ‘wait for me’ as he quickly raids the kids dressing up box for an army uniform that might fit him. They’ve issued a pathetic statement on this saying:
‘Recognising the broad consensus as expressed by 44 countries around the world on December 19, 2023, as well as the statement by the UN Security Council on December 1, 2023, condemning Houthi attacks against merchant and commercial vessels transiting the Red Sea, our governments issued a joint statement on January 3, 2024, which called for the immediate end of illegal attacks and warned that malign actors would be held accountable should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and the free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways. Despite this strong warning, attacks in the Red Sea have continued, including the launch of numerous missiles and one-way attack aerial vehicles against ships in the Red Sea on January 9, 2024, including U.S. and UK vessels. On January 10, 2024, the UN Security Council passed UNSCR 2722, which also condemned these attacks and demanded that they cease.
In response to continued illegal, dangerous, and destabilising Houthi attacks against vessels, including commercial shipping, transiting the Red Sea, the armed forces of the United States and United Kingdom, with support from the Netherlands, Canada, Bahrain, and Australia, conducted joint strikes in accordance with the inherent right of individual and collective self-defence, consistent with the UN Charter, against a number of targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. These precision strikes were intended to disrupt and degrade the capabilities the Houthis use to threaten global trade and the lives of international mariners in one of the world’s most critical waterways...

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