The Mystery behind UFOs, Ancient Constructions/Pyramids, the Ark of the Covenant, & more

4 months ago

🛸If you like mystery, history, UFOs, the pyramids, and the bible, this video is for you. This video ties it all together, and it fits together like a puzzle.
The truth is defiantly stranger than fiction.
🔊If you know the resonance frequency of a wine glass, you can break it with the sound of your voice. Sound frequencies can also levitate rock.
🪨We have been taught that tiny primitive copper tools were used to carve the perfect giant blocks of the pyramids, but this is impossible. Some firmly believe the ancients used Sound, Vibrations, and Frequencies to carve and levitate heavy stones and objects and use them to build megalithic structures, this is an interesting idea, but no known sound machine has been uncovered that is capable of this. It must've been from a supernatural force (similar to how the Israelites toppled the walls of Jericho with sound frequency and Gods power.)

Facts about The Great pyramid of Giza:
1️⃣It is the only 8 sides pyramid in Egypt.
2️⃣It is aligned with the stars of Orion's Belt and pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis.
3️⃣It is the most accurate alignment ever built pointing true North. And is in the exact line of the equator. (these people had no compas.)
4️⃣It is exactly as the center of the landmass of the earth.
5️⃣If you go to google earth, and type in the speed of light (29.9792458 31.1339) it will take you directly to the Great pyramid of Giza.
6️⃣The pyramid has one entrance, with a Broadway way leading down a pit, and a narrow road leading to the king's chamber. (sounds familiar?) If you take the narrow way there's 153 steps going up to the gallery, just like the 153 fish Peater caught after Jesus appeared to him after his resurrection.
The King's chamber is on the 50th layer of stone just like according to the Hebrew Calendar there is the 50th is the year of Jubilee. Inside the chamber in an empty tomb.
The pyramid was originally encased with 144.000 stones, just like the 144.000 mentioned in Revelation.
The top of the pyramid was never put in place. It was called the cornerstone. Jesus said he was the cornerstone, and the stone that the builders built rejected became the cornerstone.
7️⃣The pyramid, if you measured it in pyramid inches, could be read as a history book, with the past and future of the earth.
For example, the Grand Gallery marked the birth, and 33 inches later, the Crucifixion of Jesus. The Gallery ends between 1,880 and 1,911 pyramid inches, like the tribulation before the 2nt coming of Christ.

👽Without a doubt, the ancients have supernatural aid in the construction of such structures.
Many suggest Aliens. But as a flat earther and a Christian, I do not believe in Aliens.

Is it a coincidence that these pyramids were constructed at the same time that bible and the book of Enoch said that fallen angels (demons) mingled with mankind in civilizations all over the world. Many think these fallen angels came in an attempt corrupt the human DNA and corrupt the bloodline of Jesus.
👾The hybrid offspring of the union between the fallen angels and human women are called "Nephilim". These were twice the size of humans and had 6 fingers and toes. Nephilim. We know that these giants did exist back then, because they are documented in the bible, lots of historical texts, historical carving and paintings, and archaeology. Goliath was likely one of these Nephilim
Did the Nephilim help build the pyramids that appeared all over the earth at the same time?
After days of nonstop research, I would say yes.
One of the reasons for the great Flood is to wipe out the Nephilim, Who were corrupting the genetic bloodline, and corrupting the world with evil. However, the Nephilim Returned AFTER The Flood.
🧬There are parts of the bible that go deep into genealogy and family trees, including the genealogy of Noah. It says that Noah was perfect in his generations. (Such as in Genisis 6:9 11-12)
Does this mean that Noah was without sin?
No. It seems to be referring to Noah's genes, and that hi genealogy was 100% pure human, and undefiled. (by the way, DNA Studies Confirm the story of Noah.)
🚢However, the destruction of the Nephilim was not permanent. The second outbreak of Nephilim occurred shortly after the Flood. We know that because when Abraham entered the land of Canaan, about 400 years after the Flood, “the Canaanite was already in the land” (Gen. 12:6). These “Canaanites” were Nephilim.
💉The secret DNA Manipulation technologies and even public ones such as CRISPR, MRNA va--ines, 5 G and EMF DNA Manipulation happening today is another example of Satan trying to disrupt human genetics. We truly are living "In The Days of Noah" (Luke 17:26-30)

see this playlist

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