Remedy for a Sick Society

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Crime. Addiction. Despair. Fear. Illness. Wars abroad, and escalating political violence at home.

Americans are ailing, our country is sick.

Many still have not recovered -- financially, physically, mentally, and spiritually -- from the impact of the pandemic, and are still struggling to return to "normal" again.

As the third anniversary of #January6th just reminded us, Americans are still very angry and deeply divided. A growing number in recent surveys say they support the use of violence to achieve political ends.

That's a troubling sign as we head into another election year, considering that half the country does not believe the results of the last election were legitimate.

In this highlight from Episode 23 of "Strange Bedfellows" I spoke to Karen Lorre, a life coach and spiritual healer, about how we can heal our sick society.

Karen shared some inspiring and helpful actions we as individuals can take every day to make this country -- and our world -- a more loving and joyful place.

Karen has been a personal friend of 2024 Independent presidential candidate #RFKJr for over 30 years. She says #Kennedy is the Remedy to healing #America's political divide.

If this really is a "battle for the soul of America" -- as Joe #Biden said four years ago -- neither Biden nor #Trump bring to the table a message or policies that will heal our country. Karen says only #RFK can do that (and I agree!).

This was an uplifting, inspiring conversation. If you're intrigued by this highlight, watch my full 2-hour interview with Karen Lorre on Episode 23 of "Strange Bedfellows."

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