Gang Stalking Mind Control Cults Electronic Warfare & Civilian Targeting Program

5 months ago

Gang Stalking Mind Control Cults
Electronic Warfare & Civilian Targeting Program. Jeff Rense & Professor Eric Karlstrom. Illegally Targeted Individuals - US Citizens
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November 8, 2023
Jeff Rense Radio & Professor Eric Karlstrom
Mirrored From:
Glossary of 409 Terms* Relating To Electronic-Netcentric-Neuro Warfare, Synthetic Biology, AI Precision Medicine, the Metaverses, & Targeted Individual (TI) aka Total Individual Control Enslavement-Torture-Murder-Transhumanism Program**
Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 339 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity
On this Nov. 8, 2023 Rense program, Dr. Eric Karlstrom attempts to summarize some of the information and insights that computer network engineer, DARPA black projects survivor (“augmented” non-invasive N-2 experimentee), and TI, Sabrina Wallace, puts forth in recent podcasts (see below links).
If Sabrina’s analysis is correct, and much of it may be correct, this is groundbreaking information for TIs and indeed, for ALL citizens in our society.   According to Wallace, the “dual use” technologies deployed in electronic warfare/Civilian Targeting Program include: a) computer networking through the human biofield (Wireless Body Area Network or WBAN) via optogenetics and other EM frequencies, b) wireless sensor networks (WSN) in the body, c) netcentric-electronic-drone-cognitive warfare, d) digital twins tethered to the cloud, e) wireless tissue engineering, and f) human energy harvesting!
I am personally weak in the areas of computer science, biophysics, etc. And I am concerned that some of Sabrina’s assertions sound pretty outlandish. And some actually are outlandish. But they are certainly worth considering.
Have we really been paying our government, military, corporations, law enforcement, and fellow citizens to torture, murder, and transhumanize us for decades!!!!???   It seems so!    Ponder these concepts: Dual use!   Market share!  Emergent, exponential technologies!   Jobs!    DoD’s Geographic Information Grid!  Obama’s Death Panels, Terrorist Screening Data Base (TSCD), Lethal Autonomous Weapons!  Metamaterials!  In-Body Biosensors!  AI Precision Health Care! The Internet of Things!  Internet of Behaviors!   Internet of Bio-nanoThings!  SMART Cities!  Sensor Hunters!  White Vans Gangstalking People Into Submission!  “Kill Boxes!”  “Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise!”  “Value Chain Partners!” (Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc.)!
Will we be “ambushed” by these systems in ongoing and future wars?
What Sabrina Says in her podcasts (see links below) might sound like science fiction to most, but it sounds rather familiar and vaguely plausible to researchers and Targeted Individuals (TIs). 
II Sample Sabrina Statements:
“I’ve been out here for a year and a half trying to bring attention to drone warfare, electronic warfare, electronic ASSAULT.  Because we have two sets of programs, bare minimum.  One of them is we are protecting everyone with our tanks and planes. The other one is a civilian targeting program.”
It’s all just electronic warfare. “Pay for play.”  We are killing with computer networks. Network killing IS their system.”
This is about running electromagnetic signals through the human body via computer networking to do it.  This is huge market share. They’re hitting buttons and you’re just sitting there. Their EM waves that they were selling with the MAC IDs already installed  inside humans in the 70s. They sold access (to people) so you could fuck with your loved ones for 30 grand from the FBI, 45 grand from Aerospace.  That’s why no one can get themselves off the database.  It’s all money.
When you say “surveillance under the skin,” they don’t know that you’ve been at it since the 60s.
Your body (Wireless Body Area Network; WBAN; aka “human biofield” or “aura”) IS the weapon. No cell tower or nano required.  Because photons generate within you. You create them and they propagate out on the wave of your DNA.   These are biophotonic frequency weapons that have been deployed and tested.
The body is the node, the network, the weapon because the body generates the DNA wave which is the carrier wave for the signal. Someone has a way to hack into your body.  Ambush, guerrilla warfare, cyborg.
Biophotonics: That is your prana, your chi, the study of optical processes in biological systems, both those that occur naturally and in bio-engineered materials. We have radiated the human biofield and we have all this optics, light sourcing, that’s what’s really been going on since the 1980s. And the mind wars are network segmentation of this body part (WBAN).  Why are they doing this?  Energy harvesting.
They root around in REAL TIME in people’s veins and arteries because that is how the hardware and software works (hardware: MOSA; Modular Open Systems Approach; software: SOSA; Sensors Open Systems Architecture) for COMMAND and CONTROL with the Pentagon’s DISN (Defense Information System Network) and ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance).”
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