Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 11 - Riches of His Glory - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say – Day 11 – Riches of His Glory

From Ephesians 3:14-19 (Other scriptures referenced: Joshua 1:8)


I believe the Word of God.

I act on the Word of God.

I fellowship with the Word of God,

And I fellowship with the Father and the Son, by the Spirit of God.

I have been given the riches of the glory of the Father.

I ask and I receive the fullness

Of these manifestations of the wonderful glory of God.

The riches of God’s glory blesses me,

The riches of God’s glory brings me into the fullness

Of Jesus’ redemptive work for me.

The riches of God’s glory

Brings me to the good things of God.

Because of God’s great glory,

The riches of His glory,

I am right now strengthened with MIGHT

In my inner man, through the Holy Spirit.

Christ dwells in my heart by faith

And is taking more and more space in the life I live for Him,

Causing me to rise to the occasion

Of looking like Jesus,

Talking like Jesus,

And walking like Jesus.

This is the manifestation of the riches of the glory of God in my life.

The riches of the glory of God brings good things to me,

GOD things into my life:

I comprehend love,

I join all the saints,

As I have a working, thriving understanding of the love of God.

I comprehend love and see the depths of each side of its boundaries,

And the vast ability to reach deep into the lives of others.

I know the love of Christ:

It goes beyond the understanding of my soul and mental assent.

I am filled with the fullness of God

Because the Spirit of God lives in ME,

And the riches of His glory, which is the attribute OF His glory,

And the evidence of it.

The riches of His glory, these riches, this WEALTH of His PRESENCE,

This wealth of the attribute of glory,

Overtakes my life as I allow His Spirit, His presence, His glory,

To have first place in my life.

Amen and Amen! Praise God.

Homework: Confess this, chew on it, read Ephesians chapter 3 (or 1-3, if you haven’t read 1 and 2 yet).

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