The Life and Crimes of Henry Kissinger. Richie Allen Show with Tony Gosling 11-30-2023

6 months ago

The Life and Crimes of Henry Kissinger. Richie Allen Show with Tony Gosling 11-30-2023
(((Sorry. Tony Gosling is Blowing Smoke up your Ass about the Bilderberg Group being Ran by the USA. That is ridiculously preposterous. And Kissinger and the USA Crime Inc. was Never and American Operation. Kissinger's Orders always came from the Rothschild's and the City of London British Led Globalist Cabal. Gosling is either AFRAID to tell the Truth, or he is Controlled Opposition)))
Killed 3m & Got Nobel Peace Prize War Criminal Henry Kissinger Dies @ 100, Tony Gosling Richie Allen
Henry Kissinger - King of the Deep State?
November 30, 2023
Richie Allen Show with Tony Gosling
World's Biggest Protection Racket Don, Coup Master & War Criminal Henry Kissinger Dies Aged 100. Nobel Peace Prize Winner Responsible For The Deaths Of At Least 3 Million Innocent People In his Bilderberg 'Geopolitical Games' Tony Gosling, Richie Allen, 30Nov23 -
Heinz Kissinger dies aged 100.

1957 - Book, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
1957-2022 - Bilderberg guru, his gig, almost all. Now Transhumanism, Covid. Foreign policy to benefit big business: Goldman Sachs, Coca cola, Exxon, Murdoch. On EEC/EU: 35 foreign ministers, 25 languages, oft quoted “Who do I call if I want to speak to Europe!” but Kissinger denied making the remark 1969-77 - big shot NSC & Secretary of State
1971, 5th August - US dollar comes off gold standard to allow money printing for Vietnam war
1972 - Mao/Nixon summit preceded by secret Kissinger visits, pivot away from Soviets
1972 - SALT treaty, signed in
1979 1973 - Nobel peace prize Vietnam ceasefire, but 20yr war expanded into Cambodia & Laos, continued until 1975 1973 - Henry's Indonesia & Chile coups 1973 - Yom Kippur war, three times more arms sent to Israel, OPEC oil embargo over winter into 1974
1974 - Turks invade Cyprus for HK
1974 - Nixon forced out, why? Nixon demanded FBI files on JFK assassination. US foreign policy leaves three million dead at least.
2001 - Chris Hitchens book The Trial of HK
2001 - arrest warrant issued for Kissinger in Chile, 2002 attempt to do same in UK fails
2002 - resigned as 9/11 Commission chair
2013 - Wikileaks released Kissinger Cables
2022 - Calls for peace redrawing Ukraine border
Waldorf Astoria hotel NYC
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