DWAC'D Live! Episode 77: S-4 FILED!! and and Karli Bonne' Joins us for #JoinTruthSocial

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DWAC just filed the S-4/A!! We'll Discuss!!!

Karli Bonne', the Midnight Rider joins us for an interview as we continue the campaign to grow the #TRUTHfam by petitioning Congress (and others in public office) to #JoinTruthSocial.

Also, 2023 Q1 and Q2 DWAC 10-Q Financial Statements were just filed.

🚨 Be sure to join the DWAC Group on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/group/dwac
🚨 And FOLLOW me on Truth Social: @chadnedohin

🔹Link to DWAC’s S-4/A
🔹Links to Q1 and Q2 2023 10-Qs DWAC Financial Filings
🔹Link to October 30th 10-K/A with 2022 and 2021 DWAC Financials
🔹Link to October 12th 8-K Filing describing the PIPE Reduction / Cancelation
🔹Link to Announcement of Amended Merger Agreement Between TMTG & DWAC (August 9th)
🔹Link to Settlement 8-K (July 21st)
🔹Follow these accounts on Truth Social for DWAC News: @eswider @AllianceSean @mycreativewaves @thealexcano @kchiles @EJPREBLE73 @repmeuser @markwillis @jimmyjimmerson @NorthStarFP @ RISKMANGR @tskiple @DL357 @Rub3rbandman @MokeGREEZ @RatDog2020 @jamilajo @jeremyspringer @KathyAZ @froggie45 @pluter78 @SarahInWP @DeantheMachine @bgus @signfarmscott @kells9700 @IKilledKenny @hotcake22 @Stefanoguizzetti @awood @Tulip_5Solas @jenniferechegaray @Patriotsinthewoods @PepeChurches
🔹What is DWAC?
DWAC = Digital World Acquisition Corporation
Truth Social is owned by TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group). TMTG is trying to merge with #DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corporation) the public company in which you can buy stock.

DWAC, TRUTH, Truth Social, TRUTHfam, Digital World Acquisition Corp, TMTG, PIPE, Proxy, Vote, Merger Extension, DWACtheSEC, DWACW, Trump, SEC, Market, Warrants, Wall Street, Bible, Prayer, Investment, Merger, DWAC2DC, S4, MAGA, Truth Plus, Truth+, Eric Swider, 10-Q

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