Rishi Sunak finally sacks Suella Braverman as Tory splits begin...

6 months ago

A nation cheers the downfall of Suella Braverman, but Rishi Sunak finally doing the right thing will come at a cost for him.
Right, so today has got off to quite a start hasn’t it? Two massive stories frankly in that Suella Braverman has finally been sacked and the appointments and mini reshuffle that has gone on as a result of that, to be honest, all too much to cover in a single video, so we’ll deal with Braverman here and my video later will cover who’s come in because it really does show how desperate Sunak has become and the really big reason for that, is because Suella Braverman had remained in post all this time, despite everything she has done in the last year, the damage, the fallout, the harm she has been a driver of, because Sunak, in order to shore up his own leadership, needed the hard right of his party to support him. By rights he had no choice but to act after the scenes at the Cenotaph on Saturday, Braverman should have been sacked after what we saw on Armistice Day, before that day was out. Instead Sunak has let it fester all weekend, completely in keeping with his habitual inability to lead, but now he’s had to ditch her, the splits with a significant chunk of his own party have begun already.
Right, so first things first ding, dong, Cruella’s gone, we can all celebrate that one can’t we? A day we were beginning to think would never come, would anything see this bloody woman removed from her post, because it looked like Sunak had no control over her whatsoever, she had free rein seemingly to do and say what she liked, driving Home Office policy that Sunak would if not repeat, certainly quietly go along with as we’ve seen in the recent tent issue. For my part, I really didn’t think Sunak had it in him, I had another Braverman story planned for today and this has completely wrecked so thanks very much Rishi for that. What I was going to talk about on her today was the upcoming court ruling due on Wednesday regarding Braverman’s Rwanda deportation plans. The government are almost certainly going to lose that, but Braverman had cancelled all border force Xmas leave just the other month, so all the signs were there and still are there, there’s no saying her replacement will row back on this, that the Tories may seek to ram it through court ruling or not, certainly the signs were there by cancelling said leave, that Braverman was prepared to do this and I felt that was worth talking about, but we’ll now have to see what happens on Wednesday before delving into that any further. The other rumour concerning this issue was that Braverman would resign if she didn’t get her way on Wednesday. We will never know now, but if Sunak was aware of this, well that might have helped him find his spine to act against her ahead of that. I’m not convinced of this though. She has had ample opportunity to quit in disgrace for numerous reasons up until now, let’s not forget she originally did resign for breaching the ministerial code under Liz Truss, the whole Leaky Sue story, she shared secure information, a draft written statement on migration deemed sensitive due to its implication on future immigration policy via her own private email.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo rishi sunak,sunak,suella braverman,suella braverman news,suella braverman latest,suella braverman speeding,suella braverman asylum,immigration,braverman,home secretary,rishi sunak palestinesuella braverman,suella braverman sacked,suella braverman gone,rishi sunak tory splits,rishi sunak erg,suella braverman rwanda,kernow damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,suella braverman speech,cenotaph london,armistice day,suella braverman met police,ministerial code

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