Knee Pain Relief | 3 Simple Healing Techniques | Energy Healing | Become a Healer | Holistic Health

8 months ago

In this video you can learn how to help with Knee Pain Relief using 3 Simple Healing Techniques. You can become a healer using 3 simple energy healing techniques which can be applied for problems associated with the knee, or with any joint in the body.
Some problems related to the knee may include: Knee Pain, Discomfort in the Knee, or Knee Joint Pain, Tenderness in the Knee, Swelling in the Knee, or Knee Injury.

Common knee problems might include: Sprained or strained knee ligaments or muscles, which can be caused by a twist, a bang, a blow to the knee or a sudden twist of the knee.

Problems to the knee requiring knee pain relief may be due to Torn Cartilage, Arthritis, Tendonitis or Arthritis.

When our body’s energy is flowing freely, uninterrupted by sickness, disease or injury, we are healthy, however illness, sickness, pain and disease can quickly when our energy becomes blocked, fragmented, or disrupted due to injury, sickness or disease.

The aim of the healing courses online healing techniques is to show you ways to help yourself using our established healing techniques to help aid, facilitate, activate and promote the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.
The main aim of this knee pain healing technique is to raise levels of healthy physiological activity in the knee area of the person’s body.

How to become a healer in applying knee pain relief. Follow this procedure:
Healing Courses Online Procedures for 3 simple healing techniques for knee pain relief are: Energise, Draw-out and Balance

1. (Energising technique) “Energise” is to activate healthy energy in an area of the body.
Activate the energy field between your two hands by rubbing your hands together vigorously. Place your two hands each side of your knee, holding this position for 2 - 3 minutes. This is also called energy healing.

2. (Draw-out technique). “Draw -out” is removing toxins from that area.
Use your two hands, to draw away stagnant or heavy energy from any area of the body that may be causing pain or discomfort in this case – the knee.
With this healing technique, your hands are relaxed.
Imagine you are using your hands to gather up cobwebs. In doing this the cobwebs may stick to your fingers. To remove these cobwebs you shake them off your hands and fingers. In a similar way, you use your two hands on either side of the knee, and “draw away” and shake off any excess energy that you feel may be attached to your fingers. Repeats this draw-out technique 10 times.

3. (Balance technique). “Balances” the energy field in that area.

The balance technique is used to help balance any imbalances in the energy field of the knee. With this healing technique your hands are tense.
Use Crisscross movements around and over and back across the knee. Keeping your hands 2-3 inches away from your knee and keep the palms of your hands facing the knee. Repeats this technique 10 times to achieve a level of knee pain relief.

Points to remember when applying bio energy healing techniques.
Make sure your hands are warm before you begin.
Your hands should be gentle but firm during these bio energy healing techniques.
When working on problems on any area of the body, apply the “Energise” technique from several different angles if possible.
It may also be necessary to examine any possible spinal problem that may be contributing to this specific health problem. In which case please check out our “Back and Spine” technique.
Finally, food sensitivities may be a factor in some health issues, so, it is important to seek professional advice regarding possible food sensitivities.

Bullet points when applying energy healing techniques for knee pain relief:
• Remain focused and relaxed
• Warm your hands before to begin
• All movements are slow and deliberate
• Energise the knee – one hand each side of the knee
• Draw-out from the knee – using two hands, and shake off your hands
• Balance the knee – using two hands with criss-cross movements
• Do not place your hands on open wounds, sores or abrasions.

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Disclaimer: Healing Courses Online’s natural energy healing techniques are not a replacement for medical intervention. You are recommended to visit your health care practitioner for health concerns.
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