Camera Captures Strange Object In A Cornfield

6 years ago

Interesting footage featuring a mysterious flying object that vanishes from a cornfield after making crop symbols has emerged, and anybody who saw the movie 'Signs’ knows how this will end!

Triangle UFOs are being reported across the globe, each time they are said to be black in colour, enormous size, relatively low flying, at slow speeds and utterly silent. Reports on underside lights can vary with one type having a light at each corner and a larger middle one.

Many witnesses report feeling a sense of fear or awe at the siting and sometimes numbness and memory loss. This witness captured on camera something very disturbing. Footage shows a camera moving through cornfield, like someone is trying to escape a predator or something, only to later point the camera at the sky to disclose a mysterious triangular-shaped object flying off at incredible speed!

Are mysterious triangle UFOs real? Weird sightings keep happening and people keep on reporting bizarre triangle UFOs which only deepen the mystery.

At the beginning of the video, we can hear that something appears to be moving through the cornfield, even if we don’t get a clear visual of the situation. Moments later we hear a strange noise and the strange-looking object disappears in the clear blue sky. Everything happened in a split second, but what do you think that was?

The outline of the object was visible enough to the naked eye and unmistakably triangular with lights in a V shape. It moved silently, with no air movement felt, travelling up in the air in a beam of light!

Many conspiracy theorists believe they are actually secret aircraft developed by the US Air Force and other military which are being tested or used. The allegations are that these crafts are created at top-secret military bases like Area 51 in Nevada, by reverse engineering alien technology.

Crop circles - allegedly made by landing UFOs - have been widely considered one of the world's biggest paranormal hoaxes since 1991 believing there may be something much more paranormal behind them, linking the crop circles to alien visitations of Earth.

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