Ranking My 3 Favorite Star Trek Shows For Star Trek Day

8 months ago

Happy Star Trek Day! September the 8th marks the anniversary when Star Trek the original series debuted. In recent years there have been celebrations to mark the occasion. I recently talked about my favorite and least favorite Starfleet ships so I figured in this episode we would discuss what my three favorite Star Trek shows are.

Number three:
Star Trek Enterprise
Man, this show seemed to be cursed from the start but I had such an amazing cast. Scott Bakula is the first ever captain of the Enterprise was absolutely amazing. I got the sense watching him that he truly was an explorer, but he was also a badass too. The rest of the cast all were terrific as well, Trip Tucker is one of the best engineers in all of Star Trek history. The Xindi arc definitely raises Enterprise in my rankings and I truly wish we could have gotten a full seven seasons out of it.

Number two:
Star Trek: The Next generation
I have never been a fan of Star Trek The originals series television shows, however I have always enjoyed the movies. That being said, when Star Trek The Next Generation premiered that truly became my Star Trek. I loved the fact that the ship could separate, it seemed to be better written and acted than the original series, and we got so many amazing characters introduced here. From Q, the Borg, the Marquis, The Cardasians, these all started on the Next Generation.

Number one:
Deep Space Nine
I have been extremely vocal with my love of Deep Space Nine, and I truly believe it is some of the best sci-fi, not just Star Trek, ever written. There was something about this show from the very beginning that, even though my initial reaction was that I didn't like it, I could not not watch. The older I've got the more I appreciate the nuance that has gone into DS9, from the father-son relationship between Ben and Jake, the pain of losing a spouse, and much more, Deep Space Nine is simply phenomenal.

What is your favorite Star Trek series? Let me know in the comment section, I would love to hear your opinions.

#StarTrekDay #NextGeneration #DS9

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