Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (December 2009) Global Warming - Please watch this video, and share it with everyone

9 months ago

Today EVERYONE OF US can witness for themselves, the unfolding of the "Global warming", scam with their own eyes and ears. And ALL OF US can establish for ourselves, that the globalist crime syndicate have NEVER been closer to their desired END GOAL. Please watch this video, and share it with everyone.

Our time to stop this ELE is running out fast, and if humanity fails to stop themselves from fulfilling their end, then the globalists have indeed what they wanted and pursued for hundreds of years.. And life on earth will have ended.

“I think that this will be the.., moment at which the
people who have been plotting this for the last
20 years, will finally get what they want, which is
this nucleus, which can be grown into a world
government.” “There is no discernible human
effect on the global temperature.”
~ Lord Christopher Monckton, former UK Science Advisor

Ventura looks at some of the purported evidence that man-made global warming is an elitist scam, and the money trail leads him, among others, to the doorstep of an elusive billionaire and a former UN adviser residing in Shanghai.

🎥 Watch: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (December 2009) Global Warming - Please watch this video, and share it with everyone
🎥 Watch: Wall Street -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (November 2010)
🎥 Watch: Plum Island -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (October, 2010)
🎥 Watch: POLICE STATE -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (November, 2010)
🎥 Watch: DEATH RAY -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (January, 2010) -- NIKOLA TESLA, 9/11.., With the upcoming ET ‘HOAX’ that Wernher von Braun has warned us all about (see links hereunder), this one deserves our SPECIAL ATTENTION and is MUST KNOW!!
🎥 Watch: Manchurian Candidate -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (January, 2010)
🎥 Watch: Brain Invaders -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (December 2012)
🎥 Watch: H.A.A.R.P. (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) -- Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (December 2009)
🎥 Watch: Great Lakes, aka The Worldwide Water Conspiracy (Dec 3, 2010) - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
🎥 Watch: Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura S1 E05 Secret Societies (2009)

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