One Dumbbell Full Body Home Workout

3 years ago

One dumbbell full body workout at home

Today’s workout can be done with just one dumbbell or a kettlebell if that is all you have. I’ll explain sets and reps as we go along. I had in mind a weight of around 20 to 40 pounds for the dumbbell, but use whatever you have and adjust the sets and reps to what feels right for you based on the weight you are using.

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Our first exercise up is a goblet squat to press since our legs are quite a bit stronger than our arms we will do a press on every second squat. Making a 2 to one ratio squats to press. For each set you should target 20 squats and 10 presses doing 3 to five sets. Taking 30 seconds in between sets to rest.

For the next exercise, we go down to the floor to do dumbbell flys. I like to have my knees bent and feet about shoulder-width apart to help stabilize the body. Then place your free hand on the working pec so you can feel the muscle moving, improving the mind-muscle connection. This is a good one to do if you struggle to feel your chest work.

Something to keep in mind if you are using a lighter dumbbell is that the straighter our arm is when we do this exercise the harder it becomes, although we should always maintain a slight bend in our elbow. Again we should be doing 3 to five sets of 10 to 20 reps. Switching from one side to the other without any rest. I’ll post a card on the screen listing all the exercises, sets and reps at the end so you can screenshot it.

After the floor flys, we move to floor presses still alternating from one side to the other without any rest in between. These work the chest and triceps emphasizing the triceps more. I find this to be an easier movement than the flys so you want to go a bit higher rep with it. Staying closer to the 20 reps and even adding in extra sets until you're doing the full five sets.

The next exercise is a straight arm dumbbell row. This movement is similar to a straight arm pulldown except you are using a dumbbell and gravity instead of a cable machine. As with any bend over row, back positioning is important. I like to put my hand on one knee to stabilize my back and keep it from rounding when I don’t have a bench to use as support.

Then you move your arm up and back in a semi-circle until your hand is up above your back as high as it can comfortably go. Alternate from one arm to the next without taking any rest.

Now we are going to work the lats in the stretched position using dumbbell pullovers. Arnold always considered this more of a chest exercise and it does stretch the chest, working it too. I feel it more in my lats which is why I program it with back.

Simply hold the dumbbell overhead then lower it down until it almost touches the floor feel the stretch and then raise it back up just to the height of your forehead. Try to stop before the weight is straight above you to leave some tension on the muscle.

We are going to superset this with a dumbbell crunch. So once you have completed your last rep of pullovers hold the dumbbell straight above you and curl your upper body making sure you raise your shoulders and mid back up off the floor. I find these a little easier to do so I target the upper end of the rep range trying for 20 reps each set.

Single leg Romanian deadlifts are next. Don’t feel like have to do these without any support. You can touch the floor in between reps with your foot to reset before moving it back behind you for the next rep. Or you can put your one hand on something like a chair or a Lebert bar for added support. You want to go low enough that you feel a stretch in your glutes and hamstrings without rounding your back.

Arm curls are next, one of the great things about working with one dumbbell is that your whole body will be working harder to stabilize itself in every movement and arm curls are no different you want to make sure you are keeping your body in good alignment minimizing any sort of cheating or momentum created by swinging your body.

If you are doing only 3 sets for each exercise it will take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete this workout. If you’re doing 5 sets for each exercise it will take closer to 40 to 50 minutes most people should be doing a different blend of sets depending on how hard they find each individual exercise.

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