Tic Toc woman speaks truth. I feel this woman's pain. She is absolutely right. It is horrific.

8 months ago

Tic Toc woman speaks truth. I feel this woman's pain. She is absolutely right. It is horrific.
I honestly feel this woman's pain. She is absolutely right. It is horrific. This nightmare has to stop when we all decide... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! EXPOSE the criminally insane Satanic fake Jew Nazi, globalist, elitist, Illuminati, Freemasonic secret society MASS MURDERING PARASITES! May God destroy them all in eternal HELL!!!

Mirrored via Jim Crenshaw Bitchute channel

The problem is that she is wrong. Most do not know it. They never will and that is why we will all be dragged down. They don't want to know. I hope she finds some peace.
More videos from the shit show that has upset this lady:
Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jim-crenshaw/
It wanted to be fed. She didn't want to share. No feeding at the zoo. Here is why.

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Is she just pissed off or off her medication? I don't think counseling will help this.

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The Maui Police Chief was the Police Commander during the Las Vegas Shooting false flag

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Buzz Aldrin has admitted flat out on at least 3 different occasions the moon landing was fake🚀

Yo Mamma Drama - talking about this kids mama got this big boy popped on the head💥💥😆😆

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Mouthy woman assaults security guard and gets tased. Goes down stiff as a board. ⚡💥🤣🤣🤣

LGBTQIA🏳️‍🌈🦄 activists tried to start a protest in Russia. Nope. Smack smack smack💥🤣🤣🤣

"I just took the foufe (4th?) shot. No problem did I have." Another vax pushing Sheriff dead.💉🪦

A book about the Maui fires was published during the fires. How was this possible?

Confirmed: The "That MF isn't real" airplane lady works for the Department of Defense.

Woman walking around the streets of New York pointing a gun at everyone gets taken out. Guess who?

Drugs And Black Magic In The End Times

Category: News & Politics

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