System Shudders & Choice

10 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
Systems exist all around us …. process systems for action and transactions along with systems of government, religion, manufacturing and service use or access. While we need systems and their ‘computerisation’ can be beneficial, it is important to also be aware and question how and if various systems are being ‘aligned’ to impact us by ‘inhibiting’ through ‘enforcement’ rather than ‘facilitation’. Perhaps it is worth considering to what and who we wish to relinquish our choices and sovereignty to and how we could be more aware to safeguard it?!!

[Coincidentially - This Poem Video was also uploaded to YT on 7th July .... however it was taken down within a few hours - I suppose you could call it a 'system shudder'!!] [I followed it promptly with an upload called "Formation" which covers the topic of 'medical mis-information'!!]

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”

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Poem Wording:-

System Shudders & Choice

Systems that stifle, systems that slow,
Systems that strangle and that suffocate.
Systems that take, take, take.

Systems that distort and that distract,
Systems that demand and that detract,
Systems that betray and dismay. Fact.

Systems systematically on the attack. At/On your track.
Time now for push back, a Systems ‘hack’!!

Systems that control. Systems that patrol.
Systems in part or in whole
Systems that wear down a soul.

System arming, system disarming, alarming!!
Systems harming … not so charming.
Systems atop near every post and mast.
Did we have all these systems in the past?
No. So how on earth did we ever last?!!

Control the people, control the Nation.
Control the personal finances, but not inflation!?

Systems up, systems down,
Systems leave us wearing a frown!
Systems new, systems old.
Systems constantly breaking and broken or sold.
Replaced … asyet new ones unfold.
Old systems … story never fully told.

It is all a ‘systems’ disgrace.
eg - Systems of Government in your face.
The System that steals your natural birth right!
Systems of taxes as ‘Strawman’ in place?!

System algorithms, reducing your say.
Systems of monitoring, most every time you blink …
Your phone flash – another sync!!
Systems that support us not having to think
…. Yup … they stink!

No more can we accept that we let
such systems us deface.
A disgrace … sends on a shudder.
Systems trying to be both … your father and mother!

Systems ... back off … know your place.
AI systems around at almost every pace.

No more ‘1984’, ‘Animal Farm’ or ‘Big Brother’
We need out of this maze, out of the haze.
Let ourselves shine on and amaze.

Systems shock, systems suddenly shudder and stop.
Systems revamp and shutdown. Splutter.

Systems disgraced. System recalibrations …
No more allowed to be ‘In your or my face’.
Whew … an end of the ‘negative AI’ race
and it’s constant interfering interface!

Systems operating by day and by night.
Systems straining to have everything in sight.
Your money, contacts, home functions,
Your whereabouts and on any flights.
Your body rhythms - all through the night!
Oh, we noticed you didn’t sleep alright?!
Probably not with all the EMF … and such other … ‘delight’

We are numbed and inured with systems operations tight.
Systems slowly and surely have encroached.
Minds taken over … systems not even reproached!!
Even the subject is barely broached!!
“Oh, but I have nothing to hide”
“No, nor have I, but I ain’t blind …. can you see it?”
Can’t you see it?

In the past it was our instinct, mind and
Memory we valued most.
Hopefully, the system reliance’s have not
made them fully like burnt toast.

Zap, Zap, tap, tap, sap, sap … oh yes …
But … “it’s ever so easy and nice?!!!?”
“Yes .. it is …. But at what price?”
And leading into what kind of vice?

So there is a choice … and it’s choice time.
Are we for “systems control of the human race?
A permanent ongoing ‘interface’”?
“For human control with limited and
managed systems in place …. Properly defined?”
(not just one’s seeking for you to replace?” )

We can still have the benefits … without systems
permanently in your face!!
Control your own mind. Then you may gain or retain
Some control of the rest.

Some, even AI in you veins – nano graphene oxide
Self-assembling– what a shame.
Through ‘vaccinations’ and the ‘chemical weather’ game!

‘Nanoparticulate Matter – stabilised for distribution …
1 times 10 to the minus 9th’ – I think that’s smaller than the amoeba cell!
‘Aerosolized & Weaponized – and something that fits in the top of a pen?!’
A tool to control and destroy.
Not so Zen, is it then?

This may seem like a tome, rather than a poem!
but how else to let you See the ‘systems’ extent
and to bring such a message home?
Many of these systems now seek to use you as the power grid.
It’s pushing so fast forward, that into it we have slid.

Back so to rely on the systems of body,
already tested, fully assured. Well invested.
Everything built in and provided
and by love, both God’s and your own can be cured.

We can accomplish anything once we’ve been spurred!
Use your intellect, your mental capacity … that mind …
Before it is by ‘systems overlord’ … redefined.

Transitional Times Poem Collection

Background Soundtrack via Pixabay – from JuliusH, ‘Waterfall - Ambient Chill Music and Nature Sounds’ Copyright Free with additional backing track with everyday ‘system’ tones.

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