Kathleen Kennedy says PISS OFF George Lucas

11 months ago

Identity politics has undeniably shaped the creative landscape at Disney and Lucasfilm for well over a decade, leaving a lasting impact on their productions. Unfortunately, this prevailing trend shows no signs of slowing down, even in the face of financial losses at the box office.

Over the past ten plus years, the emphasis on identity politics has become the name of the game within these once renowned entertainment giants. Diversity, representation, and social issues have taken center stage in their storytelling, often overshadowing traditional narratives and plot development.

While this approach has garnered praise from certain segments of the audience for its inclusivity, there has also been a fair share of criticism. Detractors argue that the prioritization of identity politics has sometimes compromised the integrity of beloved franchises, leading to creative decisions that don't always resonate with fans.

Despite the financial setbacks experienced by Disney and Lucasfilm in recent years, the focus on identity politics remains steadfast. This unwavering commitment to inclusivity, though commendable in theory, has sparked debates about the balance between social progress and the essence of storytelling.

It is worth noting that not all projects associated with Disney and Lucasfilm have leaned heavily on identity politics. There have been instances where the studios have successfully blended diverse perspectives with compelling narratives, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide. However, the dominant narrative surrounding their recent ventures tends to revolve around the influence of identity politics.

As Disney and Lucasfilm continue to navigate these waters, the ongoing conversation around identity politics and its impact on the entertainment industry is unlikely to fade away. Audiences and industry observers eagerly await the studios' future endeavors, hoping for a delicate equilibrium between inclusivity and engaging storytelling that can resonate with a wide range of viewers.

In conclusion, identity politics has left an indelible mark on Disney and Lucasfilm's creative direction for more than a decade. While financial losses at the box office have raised questions about the sustainability of this approach, the studios persist in their commitment to promoting diversity and social issues. The ongoing dialogue surrounding the influence of identity politics in the industry remains an important topic, shaping the future of storytelling in popular culture.

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