Ebright: "Gain-of-function research of concern" has "immense bioweapons practical applications"

1 year ago

Transcript of the Hawley-Ebright Exchange on Gain-of-Function Research of Concern and Bioweapons

Hawley: “Doctor Ebright, let me ask you about the merits of gain-of-function research because I was struck by something you said in your written testimony. You said, ‘gain-of-function research has no civilian practical applications.’ From a research perspective, then what, why do it? I mean, what’s the, what’s the value, the real value of gain-of-function research?”Ebright: “Not a matter of value but incentives, particularly incentives within the academic research ecosystem. Gain-of-function research of concern is fast and easy, much faster and much easier than vaccine or drug development. And gain-of-function research is publishable, and gain-of-function research is fundable. With those four incentives in place: fast, easy, fundable, and publishable, the research will be performed. Eliminate any one of those incentives and it will not be."

[Notice that Ebright has offered a solution to the problem here: Stop funding Gain-of-function research of concern and it will be stopped. But instead, Hawley goes to China. Also notice, Ebright’s argument is at odds with the position popularized by Jon Stewart that somehow science is the problem, that Hawley: So thinking about China for a second, what is China's interest in gain-of-function research?Ebright: They have witnessed the United States leading the way with gain-of-function research. Most gain-of-function research of concern performed today has been performed either in the U.S. with U.S. funding, or overseas with U.S. funding. China has wished to be part of that and has participated in gain-of-function research of concern in China with U.S. funding and has also supported gain-of-function research of concern in China entirely through Chinese programs.Hawley: So let me ask you this. Gain-of-function research and bioweapons, what is the connection there? I mean, what role does gain-of-function research play?

Ebright: "As I mentioned, there are no civilian practical applications. There are immense bioweapons practical applications. As you've heard from Dr. Esvelt, the potential pandemic pathogens that can emerge from such studies are potential weapons of mass destruction, inexpensive, accessible, easily distributed weapons of mass destruction."

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