Did Spock Have Autism or Aspergers? Spock's Meltdown and other clip examples included.

1 year ago

160420 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. From Adult Meltdowns to difficulty reading emotions, this Autism video explores whether the Spock character was based on someone with Asperger's or Autism.

Also includes a can't miss segment on Data from ST:TNG and why his Autism status is obvious. When conceived by Gene Roddenberry, did he based the character and the Vulcan race on a set of characteristics he observed personally in someone close to him? If so, do those characteristics have a concordance with the symptoms of Autism or Aspergers? Was Spock the first Autistic character?

What traits does Spock share with people that have Aspergers and Autism? How is he different?

This video makes exactly zero references to the "Paradise" episode with Spock in Love hanging from a tree. I'm better than that, and so are you. So I pretend that whole episode doesn't exist and makes its arguments entirely without it!

I also want to make entirely clear that I'm -NOT- saying that in the ST universe that Spock actually had a disorder/neurodiversity issue. I'm speaking only of the inspiration for the character!

Don't miss the narrated credit scroll!

Dave's Garage Thoughts - Autism Series - Episode 02
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