Feces Covered Fentanyl Crawl

1 year ago

U have to work MULTIPLE HOURS to EARN $1,000. U have to buy your own $1,000 cell phone. U have to pay your hard EARNED money for a rare vacay at a $300 night hotel, wit a nice view. But yet u say NOTHING about the ILLEGAL SCOURGE flooding our border & getting EVERYTHING u have to work for, FOR FREE! & now that #Title42 is over, America as we know it, is fucking OVER! 💯 Hope u like homeless military aged troglodytes doin the #FentanylCrawl outside of your favorite feces covered Los Mariachis. You've EARNED it! #OpenYourEyes #PatriotsRISE #TakeAmericaBack #ControlledCollapse #InfoWars #HaterBait

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