Yes Its A Great Day To Kill Each Other ? Russian's Chinese's U.S.A. Let's Kill For Peace ?

1 year ago

Yes Its A Great Day To Kill Each Other ? and We look back at two songs from the Vietnam War Era “Kill for Peace” and “Ballad of the Green Berets,” and the musicians who recorded them. To the war makers, the Vietnam War, which was never formally declared, was the perfect surrogate for a world war. It came along at the time when the baby boomers were of college age, perfect for cannon fodder to feed the gaping maw of the war machine. And yet, collectively, the college-aged generation seemed to say, “Wait, let’s think about this for a moment.”

What began on a dubious, if not completely deceitful pretext, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, followed by the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in Aug. 1964, turned into full-fledged, massively destructive war within a year. As the war machine cranked up, the propaganda machine was not far behind.

Remember “the domino theory”? Remember “we have to fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here”? Remember “the only good Commie is a dead Commie”? Ah, those were the days.

Substitute “terrorist” or “radical Muslim” with “Commie” and you can see that little has changed, as the current White House occupant eyes North Korea, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, and probably the UK the way denizens of Dollywood eye the offerings at an all-U-can-eat buffet.

But, getting back to the Vietnam era, one of its pieces of conventional wisdom was that America was at war to make peace. The absurdity of “killing for peace” was apparent to anyone under the age of, say, 30. The strategy was embodied by the patrol leader who, without irony, explained to the news film crew after his troops torched the grass and wood huts in the area, “We had to destroy the village to save it.”

The dissident rock ‘n’ roll band the Fugs satirized this phenomenon in their song “Kill for Peace.” This, the most controversial song on The Fugs, was released in 1966, a tumultuous time during which the war in Vietnam was escalating and body counts were rising daily. The lyrics, written by Beat poet Tuli Kupferberg and sung by Beat poet Ed Sanders, were intended to depict the madness of that particular war, but they are as timeless as the words of Buffy St. Marie’s contemporaneous “Universal Soldier.”

A sample lyric: “Kill, kill, kill for peace / Kill, kill, kill for peace /
 Near or middle or very far east / Far or near or very middle east / Kill, kill, kill for peace / Kill, kill, kill for peace / If you don’t like the people / or the way that they talk / If you don’t like their manners / or they way that they walk / Kill, kill, kill for peace / Kill, kill, kill for peace”

Not surprisingly, given the antiwar tenor of the times, “Kill for Peace” became the most popular song in the Fugs’ repertoire. Ed Sanders, the leader of the band, was featured on the cover of Life magazine, and the band was invited to perform on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show in early 1967. They agreed to appear if they could sing “Kill for Peace.” Carson denied them the opportunity, for fear of upsetting Americans with its antiwar message. (One has to wonder what Carson was thinking a band called the Fugs was intending to perform? “My Favorite Things”?).

A song about peace—and however sardonic “Kill for Peace” is, it’s undeniably a song advocating for peace—was more controversial than a song about war, like “Ballad of the Green Berets.”
“Ballad of the Green Berets,” composed and sung by Vietnam veteran, Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler, was the biggest hit of 1966 (topping Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Were Made for Walking,” which had a certain martial spirit too), and Sadler was invited on many shows to perform it, including The Ed Sullivan Show. The U.S. Army, riding on his celebrity status, then used Sadler as a recruitment tool to entice more young men to become war heroes in the mud and rice paddies of Southeast Asia.

Sadler’s official website described the song: “Released in early 1966, when anti-war sentiment was beginning to swell, ‘The Ballad of the Green Berets’ tapped into an enormous wellspring of patriotic fervor among Americans who were tired of the dissent and ambiguity surrounding Vietnam, and desperately wanted confirmation of America’s heroism and moral virtue; that they were on the right side.”

A sample lyric: “Back at home a young wife waits / Her Green Beret has met his fate / He has died for those oppressed / Leaving her this last request / Put silver wings on my son’s chest / Make him one of America’s best / He’ll be a man they’ll test one day / Have him win the Green Beret.”

In the wake of the controversy over the Fugs’ thwarted TV appearance, Sanders was the target of death threats; someone sent a bomb in the mail (it did not explode). Another irony, that those who advocate for peace are often the target of violence (see: Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, James Meredith, Robert F. Kennedy). What is it about nonviolent protesters that drive people to commit violence against them? Collective guilt? A need to kill the messenger whose “message” will reveal the stains upon their own souls?

Flash forward four decades and Ed Sanders is still an active peace advocate (Tuli K. died in 2012) living in Woodstock, N.Y., where he takes an active part in community affairs.

What became of Barry Sadler?

He turned his hand to books, creating a series of interlocking novels about “Casca,” the “eternal mercenary” soldier. With its biblical overtones—Casca must remain a military killing machine until the Second Coming—Sadler’s novels presaged the “Left Behind” books. Sadler himself attracted violence like a magnet. In one bar brawl, he allegedly received a knife wound to the stomach that would have sent most people to the ER. Instead, Sadler went home and sewed himself up.

Sadler made periodic attempts to resurrect his music/songwriting career in Nashville, and even tried his hand at professional wrestling. Eventually, he shot and killed an unarmed man whom he claimed was an intruder in his home and was convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Due in part to his notoriety as a “war hero,” Sadler’s sentence was reduced to 30 days in the county hoosegow. Soon thereafter, he moved to Guatemala and allegedly became involved in running guns to the Contras in Honduras and Nicaragua. In 1988, while seated in a taxi cab in Nicaragua, he was shot in the head and died nearly a year later.

So there you have it: Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg, controversial mavericks who never killed anyone or resorted to violence, other than to mock it. Barry Sadler, beloved hero, gun runner and mercenary who lived and died by the sword.

While it’s true that the Nazi Führer was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, the truth is even stranger than it first seems. It’s often a touted piece of trivia that Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. As strange as it may sound in today’s world, it is true. However, it’s less well-known that the nomination was actually a sarcastic joke that fell victim to the quirks of the Nobel nomination system.

Hitler was nominated in 1939 by Swedish politician Erik Gottfrid Christian Brandt. Not everyone has the honor of nominating people for the prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee only accepts nominations from people who hold certain positions in the upper echelons of the establishment, including university professors, previous winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, and members of national assemblies or national governments.

As a member of the Swedish Parliament, Brandt fit the bill, but his nomination was not intended to be serious. Brandt was part of the center-left Social Democratic Party and an “antifascist.” His nomination of Hitler was intended as an ironic dig towards other members of the Swedish parliament who were putting forward nominations for then-British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

When Chamberlain took office in 1937, Hitler had already begun aggressively building up Germany’s military and setting his sights on the German-speaking lands of Europe. Chamberlain’s stance was one of appeasing Hitler. The horrors of the First World War were still fresh in his memory, so he was keen to avoid armed conflict with Nazi Germany.

On September 30, 1938, the Munich Agreement was signed by Germany, the UK, France, and Italy, which permitted the German annexation of the Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia on the condition that Hitler made no further demands for territories in Europe.

Following the agreement, Chamberlain returned home and famously declared that he had secured "peace for our time." This apparent success prompted 12 Swedish members of parliament to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Peace, of course, was far from guaranteed, and it appears that many of Chamberlain’s contemporaries – including Brandt – were skeptical of this self-declared success.

If you take a look at Brandt’s letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, it’s pretty clear he’s being heavily sarcastic. According to the Nobel Peace Center, the letter reads:

"I hereby humbly suggest that the Peace Prize for 1939 is awarded the German Chancellor and Führer Adolf Hitler, a man, who in the opinion of millions of people, is a man who more than anyone in the world has deserved this highly respected reward. Authentic documents reveal that in September 1938 world peace was in great danger; it was only a matter of hours before a new European war could break out. The man who during this dangerous time saved our part of the world from this terrible catastrophe was without no doubt the great leader of the German people. In the critical moment he voluntarily did not let weapons speak although he had the power to start a world war.

By his glowing love for peace, earlier documented in his famous book Mein Kampf – next to the Bible perhaps the best and most popular peace of literature in the world – together with his peaceful achievement – the annexation of Austria – Adolf Hitler has avoided the use of force by freeing his countrymen in Sudetenland and making his fatherland big and powerful. Probably Hitler will, if unmolested and left in peace by warmongers, pacify Europe and possibly the whole world.

Sadly there still are a great number of people who fail to see the greatness in Adolf Hitler´s struggle for peace. Based on this fact I would not have found the time right to nominate Hitler as a candidate to the Nobel Peace Prize had it not been for a number of Swedish parliamentarians who have nominated another candidate, namely the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. This nomination seems to be poorly thought. Although it is true that Chamberlain through his generous understanding of Hitler´s struggle for pacification has contributed to the saving of world peace, the last decision was Hitler´s and not Chamberlain's! Hitler and no one else is first and foremost to be thanked for the peace which still prevails in the greater part of Europe; and this man is also the hope for peace in the future.

As Chamberlains obviously can claim his share of the peacemaking, he could possibly have a smaller part of the Peace Prize. But the most correct thing to do is not to put another name beside the name of Adolf Hitler and thereby throwing a shadow on him. Adolf Hitler is by all means the authentic God-given fighter for peace, and millions of people all over the world put their hopes in him as the Prince of Peace on earth."

Needless to say, the joke didn’t go down well at the time. Anti-Fascists in Sweden were outraged by his nomination and denounced Brandt as “insane, clumsy, and a traitor to the values of the working class.” His lectures were canceled and he received a number of violent threats from the public.

Many didn’t believe the nomination was satire, but it appears that history is on the side of Brandt. Appeasement ultimately didn’t stop World War II – in fact, some argue the policy directly paved the path to war by empowering Hitler's aggression.

It’s also clear that Brandt remained strongly anti-fascist throughout the war. He criticized his own party for not accepting more Jewish refugees from Germany into Sweden and was one of the first politicians to speak about the rumors of German extermination camps in Poland. His joke, however, continues to be misinterpreted.

Why can't people respect each other’s religion and stay in peace, instead of killing and fighting each other? Typically, most religions aren't very violent. Until recent times, for instance, it could be said that nobody was ever killed in the name of Buddha.

But the Abrahamic religions are different: particularly the proselytizing ones -- Christianity and Islam. Christianity was once every bit as violent as Islam is now but, thanks to reforms, it has mellowed out considerably. Islam has not enjoyed major reforms but I'm hopeful that mainstream Muslims will eventually unite to stamp out all forms of religious violence perpetrated in the name of Allah.

The reason for religious violence in the Abrahamic religions is because of the license for violence provided by their scriptures. The Old Testament and the Quran both devote excessive attention to militarism and they both glorify war. Outside of war, both scriptures are very violent in their approaches to social justice: 'an eye for an eye', amputations for theft, stoning, whipping, etc. And, as if to confirm the righteousness of harsh punishments, God punishes sinners most severely of all -- with torture for the rest of eternity.

Both the Bible and the Quran promote fear of God's judgment and normalize violence as a part of the human condition. And, because the Bible and Quran are alleged to be the 'Word of God', their uncompromising worldviews are permanent and fixed by God's (alleged) truth, perfection, infallibility, and authority. Worldly things may change but (allegedly) God's Word is eternal.

Also, the Abrahamic religions are monotheistic: they all claim exclusive possession of truth and the one true God. They share a jealous God, totalitarian in His demands, and intolerant of disobedience or contradiction. Their shared God is the only God, perfect and omnipotent. But these religions have conflicting ideas of who God is and what he demands of them. History has repeatedly borne out that the totalitarian supremacism of these monotheistic religions is a sure-fire recipe for divisive conflict.

Why do we kill each other in the name of religion? Because the two biggest religions -- despite their claims of peace and tolerance -- are clearly divisive. It can be fairly asserted that the Abrahamic religions have been THE most persistently divisive influence in human history.

I do not think the reasons have anything to do with faith or belief.

If you believe that something is true, you don't become enraged when someone criticises it. You might be exasperated, you might be disappointed. But a true believer is not harmed or upset, because in their heart of hearts, they know what they believe is the truth. The true believer is invulnerable to such rhetoric.

But becoming enraged by criticism is something we do see in some parts of Western culture. In the UK we see it most frequently in football supporters.

Young British men are supposed to have a preferred football team and support it fiercely. Some take this further and feel obliged to defend the honor of the team. They'll shout vitriolic hate towards rivals and take it personally if their team is insulted. And on occasions these confrontations lead to violence, pitched battles and bloodshed.

This seems extremely similar to the behavior of some religious "supporters".
This first image is English football fanatics burning a rival team flag.

The second almost identical image shows Tunisian young men burning the French flag.

So I am going to argue that this has absolutely nothing to do with belief, this is about defending the honor of the tribe.

I think some religions are inter-twined with a set of cultural principles which expect each individual to defend the honor of their religion. And it is that aspect of the culture which is responsible for these hysterical responses to perceived "insults". What's worrisome is that if that culture is strong enough, the need to violently demonstrate will be manifested, even if there is no real provocation.

War Breeds Empire, Death, Starvation, Genocide, and Hatred, and The U.S. Is the Most Heinous Perpetrator of War in the History of the World “He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”

~ Albert Einstein

If I had my way, the word “patriotism” would be stricken from the language, as it has but one real meaning, and that is that the political state is God, and that individual and individual human right and responsibility have no meaning or worth. Compassion and love are abandoned in every state of war, and without compassion, only hate and indifference remains. The term “war is hell” is exactly correct, for what other evil can compare with the barbarous slaughter of every form of humanity in the name of ‘country’ or religion. It should be noted that all war is solely for the benefit of the ruling class, and therefore, it is the bane of mankind. It brings nothing but horror, maiming, torture, weeping, and murder, and is satisfying only to those deranged psychopaths and monsters who revel in killing in order to seek power and control.

It is certainly no secret that this country called America has committed untold atrocities against humanity in the name of war since before and after its founding. It has been guilty of total aggression and aggressive war for 93% of its existence, (probably more) and continues to war and threaten war against much of the world on a continuous basis. The current warmongering and threat of all-out-war by the U.S. is ever-present; more now than ever before, and this evil is ignored by most of this weak and apathetic mob of non-thinking, non-caring citizens, who continue to worship the state and wave its bloody flag in support of killing.

Ongoing USCENTCOM (United States Central Command) operations include ‘exercises’ against falsely claimed ‘adversaries’ within the regions including ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Iranian ‘Threat’ Network, and all its proxies. The U.S. falsely claims to “influence ‘adversarial’ decision-making and behavior, countering disinformation, amplifying U.S. resolve, and deterring acts of aggression promulgated by state actors; namely, Iran, Russia, China, Syria, and their regional surrogates.” Military Mission support Operations (MISO) are conducted across the USCENTCOM AOR including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen.

In addition, and just recently, the U.S. and Saudi, Arabia have gone on ‘high alert’ due to a so-called warning of an ‘imminent’ Iranian attack, of course based on what is referred to as Saudi ‘intelligence.’ There are current military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea; a direct threat to North Korea. India and the U.S. are now planning joint military drills very near the China border, antagonizing this large nuclear power. Japan and the U.S. are conducting large-scale military exercises in Hokkaido. The U.S. and the Philippines are holding combat drills in anticipation of a war with China. The U.S. is also currently staging combat center rotation drills against China in Hawaii, and U.S., Spanish, and French NATO forces, including the American 101st Airborne division, are implanted just miles away from the Ukrainian border in Romania; antagonizing Russia even more. They are literally on the Russian border, no different than Russia putting heavy weaponry and troops on our border with Canada or Mexico. The arrogance, hypocrisy, and extreme risk of this is lost on the average American citizen.

There are certainly many other military exercises in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere, but there are also active wars either led by the U.S., or aggression involving the U.S. Think of the war in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the U.S. proxy war and slaughter of innocents in Yemen, and of course many others.

This is the country most of you dishonestly support unconditionally. This is the country of which you claim to be a ‘patriot.’ This is the country of which you proudly display the flag of death. This is the country that claims to be exceptional, but in the case of its warring and militarized terror campaigns, it is only ‘exceptional’ in that it is the most prolific murdering capital in the world. Given the undying support offered by this blind population for terroristic aggression, it is obvious that the masses do not consider the true nature of the meaning of ‘country’ and heinous war; at least not in the proper context. The ‘country’ you worship is not the country at all, but is instead the ruling ‘elite’ class, and their murdering and enforcement goons in government and the military. Most equate the term ‘country’ with supporting all that is done in their name by government, but the people do not control the powerful forces of evil who rule over them, and commit atrocities in their name and with their permission, because they voluntarily allow the state to commit its murderous reign without resistance.

The current aggressive nature of war being either planned, staged, or pursued actively by the U.S., is beyond the imagination of any sane person, but that does not even begin to tell the whole tale. Active war and terrorism are currently being waged by this state against its own people as well, as has been evidenced over the past 3 years of physical and psychological warfare based on the fraudulent ‘virus’ conspiracy plotted decades in advance. It has been all-consuming in nature based on the irrefutable harm that has been purposely and methodically forced on all in this country. This is happening worldwide as well, but since the U.S. is the head of the snake of total aggression, and claims the world ‘leadership’ role, stopping this monster by negating all its power could change the world view entirely.

If the people do not stand up against this tyranny, where will it end? If the masses continue to wallow in self-pity, indifference, and total dependence on the state, what will be our fate? If the U.S. is allowed to continue its totalitarian push toward total domination by the few, thereby building a global cabal and a one world governing system bent on ruling over the earth, how can freedom ever be restored or survive?

These questions seem to assume complicated answers, but that is really not the case. Any return to individual responsibility and defense of self against state rule can move mountains, because regardless of the weakness of the crowd, it should be obvious that we outnumber the tyrants by a multiple factor of millions. Thousands rule, while billions serve them. In reality, does this make any sense whatsoever? Can you not see the folly in being blind to the fact that each of us has great power over ourselves, and therefore together over the state, and our own lives and future?

Negate the state, negate the politicians and political class, ignore all orders and mandates, ask for nothing; only demand your freedom and take it. Do not allow the state to steal your wealth, never ask permission to obtain your own liberty by participating in the voting fraud, elections, and political process built and sustained for the single purpose of controlling you, and never allow the propaganda and trickery of the ruling scum to divide you. Clutch and hold your family, friends, neighbors, and all others in an effort to regain proper societal norms instead of thriving on self-destruction, constant jealousy, and hostility. Love and compassion can easily defeat indifference and hate, but a self-awakening is necessary in order to see the light of freedom and joy.

We can begin by opposing all war, all conflict, all aggression against others; in essence, demanding harmony and cooperation instead of clinging to false fears that have been intentionally ingrained into our psyche by an evil force called the state. There is nothing to fear but your own weakness and cowardice, and your willingness to only rely on others to design and control your lives. The state has no real power unless you give that power to them voluntarily. Without your support, they lose all ability to rule. Without your support, they cannot harm you. Without your support, those who seek power over you will wither and die, and with that death will come a life of freedom. “If we don’t end war, war will end us.” ~ H.G. Wells - “There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”
? Howard Zinn

How much more war is enough to appease the desires of the oligarchs ruling America? Why don’t the lives of innocents actually matter? How much more blood will stain the flag of the United States Empire? When will the American people tire of war and killing? When will those who kill for the state rightfully be called murderers instead of heroes?

The truth hurts, but truth is the most powerful weapon against tyranny. If acceptance of truth is the savior of mankind, then apathy is its destroyer. Considering the current mentality of the U.S. population, it would seem that the end is closer than it appears.

In America, war is a constant. It is a fact of everyday existence, although the citizens don’t see it firsthand because the aggressors take the war to far away places. The victims are simply seen as meaningless strangers from another culture. It feels as if war is a normal part of life, and will never end. It is not that there are wars being waged to defend America, as this country’s mainland has never been attacked. Even the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was sought and planned, and known about in advance. The wars today are in distant lands, where the killing of innocents and the raping of countries are much removed from the minds of the ignorant and apathetic populace.

The purpose for war today boils down to power, money and geopolitical control. It is a trillion dollar a year racket that leaves in its wake death, destruction, suffering, famine, sickness, and displaced families. This breeds hatred and terrorism, and the resulting blowback, a predictable phenomenon, is useful to those prosecuting war. They understand that every retaliatory attack can be used to justify more war. It is a never-ending cycle of unspeakable horror.

I abhor war. I have little use for those who revel in war and killing, and I have much contempt for the voluntary military. This does not mean that I did not have empathy for those young men drafted into slavery during past wars, those who were lied to and told they were fighting for good. They were confused and scared, and in many cases just trying to get out alive. The fact that they were put into that position in the first place is an abomination, and exposes the evil of the ruling elites and the politicians they control who care nothing about other people’s children.

There is no honor in war, and there never has been any honor in killing for the state. As Herbert Spencer correctly stated:

When men hire themselves out to shoot other men to order, asking nothing about the justice of their cause, I don’t care if they are shot themselves.”

The American public should take this quote to heart. To do so only requires that the old adage, “put yourself in my shoes,” be applied to the wars of the U.S. Simply stated, if another country’s military and soldiers landed on U.S. shores, and began bombing and killing your friends, neighbors, and family, what would you do? You would defend yourself, and kill anyone attempting to harm those around you, and you would have every right to do so. The people in countries being brutalized by American troops feel the same way, and also have every right to kill any American soldier attempting to harm them or their family in any war of aggression. This seems so simple when put in this perspective, but few see the similarity?

The U.S. has been responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people, and is continuing to slaughter more every day. Hostility and wars by the United States have spared few over the past century. The American military after WWI and WWII, where many tens of millions died, was involved in carnage in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, much of South and Central America, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Libya, China, Mexico, Yugoslavia, the entire Middle East and most of northern Africa. And sadly, this is not a complete list of victim countries that have been aggressively invaded by U.S. forces. In addition, devastating sanctions have been imposed on nations around the world by the U.S. political class, and those sanctions dramatically harm mostly civilians, especially the very young, old, and weak. It is a political strategy that completely disregards humanity and compassion for innocents. Why is this allowed?

War in this country is supported and allowed by the people due to fear. That fear is unwarranted, and has been instilled in the hearts and minds of the indoctrinated and weak-minded citizenry through calculated lies. It is the easy way out after all, for people to accept the truth would mean facing the demons inside themselves, while wallowing in apathy requires little self-responsibility. Blind complicity at this level is not innocent, and without a moral awakening by the people, war will never end.

War is a nightmare. And while the act of waging war is more foreign to the common man, the soldier relishes the action and danger of invasion, and thrives on false praise. Considering the military, it is often said that most are honorable, compassionate, and brave, but there are a few bad apples. This is backward in my opinion, as there are some good people in the military, but most are bad apples. If the propagandist’s assumptions were true, then U.S. wars of aggression would never be fought, but they are fought, and there is no end in sight.


They say the only two things in the world you can be certain of are death and taxes, but death is the only thing that can actually excuse you from paying your taxes so, in a way, death is really the only thing you can be certain of.

You probably try not to spend a whole lot of time pondering the many ways you could shuffle off this mortal coil, because frankly, it's depressing and not really a super productive way to spend your time. That's okay though because the CDC and various other health authorities have already done all the math for you. Thanks, guys!

Depending on how many years you've already spent avoiding your ultimate reward (or punishment, no one's judging), the ways you are most likely to die do vary from year to year and decade to decade. The bad news is that knowing this information is less and less helpful the older you get — most causes of death are at least somewhat preventable, but the amount of control you have over the Grim Reaper's ultimate decision tends to decrease as the years go by. So consider the following information part public health service announcement, and part you're gonna die and you can't do anything about it. You're welcome.


The first day of life is the most dangerous. No matter where you are in the world, your chances of dying at birth are ridiculously high compared to every other day of your life, and that's even true in the United States. Most people like to nurture the illusion that American health care is the best there is, but in 2013, Save the Children noted that 11,300 American babies die on the first day of life every year, which is more than anywhere else in the industrial world. In fact, there are about twice as many first-day deaths in America each year as there are in the entirety of Europe, and just in case you think that's a population thing, it isn't. Total annual births in Europe outnumber births in the United States by about 1 million.

According to the CDC, the leading causes of death for newborns here in the United States are (in order of how common they are) low birth weight, congenital defects, and maternal complications. Low birth weight is defined as any baby weighing less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces. A big cause of low birth weight is prematurity; obviously, when a baby is born early, it's less likely to be a healthy weight. But babies can also be born small because they stop growing before birth. Maternal health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and infections can contribute to this, and so can drug use, both prescription and illicit.


If you're lucky enough to survive the first day of life, you still have to get through your first year. As of 2019, infant mortality in the United States (defined as death that occurs any time before a child's first birthday) was 5.6 deaths per 1,000 births. Taken together, the three leading causes of death for babies under the age of one are birth defects, preterm birth, and injuries. Note, though, that the CDC includes newborn deaths in its numbers, so it's hard to say how the leading causes of death might change if you removed everyone who died during the first day of life.

Birth defects are tragically common. In the United States, the CDC reports that about one in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. This includes more benign conditions like club foot and cleft lip and palate, but also a lot of dangerous conditions like major heart defects, spina bifida (a defect of the spine), and trisomy (chromosomal defects). Notably, the third leading cause of death in this age group is accidental injury (via the CDC), which includes suffocation. Suffocation deaths were once lumped under sudden infant death (that's the fourth leading cause of death in this group), but today we know many cases of sudden infant death are actually suffocation deaths. That's why it's important to put babies to sleep on their backs, remove sheets and pillows from cribs, and avoid falling asleep with your baby in your bed.


Once babies become toddlers, a whole new set of dangers starts to unfold. Unsurprisingly, the CDC says the leading cause of death for this group is unintentional injury. After all, toddlers are forever climbing on things, knocking things over, swallowing things, and choking on things. Even a very cautious parent may not be aware of every single household hazard. Toddlers who climb on and knock over furniture can be crushed to death. A benign-seeming button battery or a pair of high-powered magnets can be lethal if swallowed. But by far the most dangerous thing in the house is water. In fact, according to the CDC, drowning is the number one accidental cause of death in kids age four and under. It can happen anywhere, even in a bathtub, but the family pool is one of the most glaringly obvious household hazards. It only takes a few minutes for a kid to slip out the back door, fall into the pool and drown.

Besides accidents, birth defects continue to claim kids in this age group. Sometimes it's undiagnosed problems like heart defects (via National Library of Medicine) and sometimes it's known defects that the child has been dealing with since birth. And as accidental injury moves up in the ranking, a new cause of death lands in spot number three. Kids this age become more at risk of being murdered, often by a parent or other caregiver (via U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).

If you or someone you know may be the victim of child abuse, please contact the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453) or contact their live chat services.


Drowning is no longer a major cause of death as kids approach school age, but other types of unintentional injury move in to take its place. At this age, the CDC says motor vehicle accidents become the biggest cause of accidental death.

What's especially awful about this statistic is a lot of these deaths are preventable. According to the CDC, 38% of kids 12 and younger who die in car accidents aren't properly restrained. That means they either weren't using a seatbelt at all or they weren't sitting in an age-appropriate car seat or booster seat. What's more, in 2019, 23% of child motor vehicle deaths were alcohol-related — sometimes it was the other driver who was impaired, but 63% of the time it was the driver of the car the child was riding in.

According to the CDC, at this age kids also start becoming more susceptible to that major scourge of humanity: the malignant neoplasm, colloquially known as cancer. A lot of people like to think of cancer as something that mostly happens to older people, but the sad truth is that cancer can kill just about anyone, including children, who are most susceptible to leukemia, brain tumors, lymphomas, neuroblastoma, kidney cancer, and bone cancer (via National Cancer Institute). Birth defects continue to be a big killer in this group, too. This cause of death doesn't fall out of the top three until age 10 or so.


Ages 10 to 14 are tough years for kids. They're either in middle school or are getting close to being in middle school, and middle school is an awful place. Not only do kids have more responsibilities and higher expectations at this age, but this is when bullying starts to really ramp up and social pressures become disproportionately important. Still, it's surprising to learn that suicide rates are high in this group because many people want to believe that a kid this age should still be enjoying childhood in a mostly carefree way. 

According to the CDC, suicide and motor vehicle accidents are the two most common types of injury death for kids between the ages of 10 and 14. A 2021 report published by the National Institute of Mental Health found that kids with certain risk factors were more prone to death by suicide, including a mental health diagnosis of ADHD or depression, and problems like divorce, trouble at school, and domestic violence. It can be easy for parents and teachers to overlook the signs, so it's worth noting that any mention of suicide in a child this age — even one that seems flippant — should never be ignored.

Cancer also remains on the list of causes of death for this group (via the CDC), in third place. 

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

AGES 15 TO 24

In 2018, the CDC reported that motor vehicle accidents killed 360 kids between the ages of 10 and 14. That same year, 6,308 teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 died in motor vehicle accidents. That's around a 10-fold difference in deaths from this cause between the first group and the second.

Male teens are more than two times as likely as females to die in a motor vehicle accident, and the presence of other kids in the car compounds the risk. Unsurprisingly, the CDC also says that crashes are 1.5 times more likely for 16-year-olds than for 18- to 19-year-olds. Teens also have much lower compliance with seat belt laws, tend to get distracted by their phones, are more likely to speed, and are much more susceptible to the effects of alcohol while behind the wheel. So to sum up, don't let your kid have a driver's license until the age of 25.

In this age group, homicide also moves up on the list as a major cause of death. In 2018, 6,466 teens and young adults died this way, most of them by firearm (via the CDC). Teens and young adults also have high rates of perpetrating violent crime. In fact according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in 2018, the rate of adolescents and young adults arrested for the perpetration of violent crimes was 249 per 100,000.

AGES 25 TO 34

Your mid-20s to mid-30s are your formative years. This is the time of your life when you've either graduated or are about to graduate from college (if you can afford the tuition, anyway), are thinking about marriage and about starting a family, and/or are really starting to get established in your career. You're also a lot less stupid than you were when you were younger. At least, you're supposed to be.

As it turns out, unintentional injury is still the top cause of death for people in this age group. Car accidents, however, are no longer the highest-ranking accidental death (though there are still a lot of them — 6,886 in 2018 via the CDC). Instead, accidental poisonings take first place. In fact, in 2018 there were 15,353 deaths from this cause in the 25- to 34-year-old age group.

"Unintentional poisoning," as it turns out, is mostly just a polite way of saying "drug overdose." Deaths in this category include alcohol poisoning, deaths from street drugs, deaths from prescription medication taken without a doctor's supervision, and deaths that happen because someone took the wrong dose of a legally prescribed medication. Other types of poisonings are included here, too, such as pesticide poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning, but the CDC's 2004 document on the subject barely even mentions these other types of poisonings, presumably because they're just a drop in an otherwise very large and heavy bucket.

Also in the top three for this group: suicide, then homicide (via the CDC).

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

AGES 35 TO 44

So you might think that at this age, finally, most people start taking their lives a little more seriously, taking fewer risks, and being somewhat more responsible, and as a result, the accidental death rate starts to decline. Well, as it turns out not a whole lot changes between this decade of your life and the last one. In fact, in 2018 the CDC reports that the numbers held pretty steady, with 14,978 unintentional poisoning deaths and 5,068 motor vehicle deaths.

In general, people's lives do stabilize as they get older, have children, and get settled into their careers. That's not necessarily always the case, though. While it is true that drug use is higher in people between the ages of 18 and 25 (via Drug Abuse Statistics), even people in older age groups may turn to drugs or alcohol when a major life event like job loss causes those feelings of comfortable stability to suddenly evaporate (via American Journal of Public Health).

The main difference between this decade of life and the last one is that a new cause of death creeps up into position number two: heart disease, which will remain a looming threat for most of the rest of your life (via the CDC). Cancer also reappears in spot number three as one of the top killers of people in this age group.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

AGES 45 TO 54

The list flip flops a little as you get into your mid-40s and 50s. Unintentional injury finally falls into position number three (via the CDC), but now you start to become more vulnerable to chronic diseases. 

Cancer is the number one killer in this group. While younger people tend to develop cancers of the blood, bone, brain, and lymph nodes, older adults are more likely to develop lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer (via WebMD). And while kids and adolescents who develop cancer have a pretty good chance of survival (according to the National Cancer Institute, survival for kids with cancer is around 85%, depending on the type), older adults don't always fare so well. According to Cancer Research UK, cancer survival rates are highest in the 15 to 40 year age group. After that, they steadily decline until the 80 to 99 year age group, where they're typically the lowest. The only exception is breast and prostate cancer — middle-aged people who get those two types tend to do better than younger people do.

Heart disease is in second place as a leading killer of people in this age group. Your risk for heart disease depends on some factors that you can't really do anything about, like your age, sex, and genetic factors (via National Library of Medicine), but smoking, an unhealthy diet, poor exercise habits, and a high-stress lifestyle are things you can control, so that's worth keeping in mind as you approach middle age.

AGES 55 TO 64

You've almost made it to retirement age, and now new things are threatening to kill you. Cancer and heart disease are still holding pretty steady in slot numbers one and two, but the third leading cause of death in this age group is now COVID-19.

To be fair, COVID-19 didn't even exist a couple of years ago, and it may not be as big a killer a few years from now, either. But according to the CDC, in 2020 the virus that causes COVID-19 was almost as good at taking down people between the ages of 55 and 64 as cancer and heart disease (the CDC still listed it towards at the front of the death-causing pack in 2021, too). And it's in a really unique position because it's the only infectious disease to make the top three up anywhere on the CDCs list. To give you an idea about how much things have changed in the last couple hundred years, Americans in the 1800s were still regularly dying from things like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, and malaria (via Mortality of the United States). So if you haven't thanked science lately, you should totally do that.

Because there's more immunity in the general population now (though the Guardian says optimism the virus might become less deadly over time is probably misplaced), there's some hope that COVID-19 isn't always going to be high on the list. Still, if you're in this age group, getting vaccinated is a good idea.

AGES 65 TO 74

By the time you get to 65, you're pretty set in your ways. You like to watch Jeopardy at 7:30 pm. You go to bed at 8:30. And you've been eating four strips of bacon for breakfast every morning since you were 32, and you're not about to change that now.

That could be one of the reasons why people over the age of 64 are more likely to die from heart disease — because despite the doctor's warnings they just don't make the healthy lifestyle changes that might ward off a potentially deadly heart condition. According to the American College of Cardiology, older people may also suffer from mobility problems, which can trigger a downward spiral of limited activity and poor heart health. At this age, you tend to also have stiffer blood vessels, and that, too, can contribute.

The good news is that cancer is no longer the main killer in this age group. It moves down to position two on the CDC's list, but don't let that fool you into thinking fewer people at this age die from cancer. In fact, in 2020 there were four times as many cancer deaths in people over the age of 65 as there were in people aged 55 to 64, it's just that there were way more deaths from heart disease. And still in the number three spot: COVID-19, waiting to claim those who escaped the other two killers.

AGES 75 TO 84

The CDC lumps everyone 65 and older into the same category, but the truth is that causes of death do change a bit once you make it to the age of 75. According to Statista, 36.1% of deaths from Alzheimer's disease happen in the 75 to 84-year-old age group, and according to BMC Public Health, adults over the age of 75 also have the highest risk of hospitalization and death from influenza.

People in this group have an even higher risk of dying from COVID-19 than people in the 65 to 74 group. In fact, as of February 2022, people between the ages of 75 and 84 accounted for 22.2% of all deaths from COVID-19, even though they account for only 4.9% of the population (via Statista).

Still, don't discount the impact of heart disease and cancer in this age group. Both causes of death remain high for people over the age of 75. And we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that cancer and heart disease deaths may be increasing because of COVID-19. According to Onco'Zine, cancer diagnoses actually decreased between March and April of 2020, not because cancer decreased but because people weren't having their symptoms checked out. The numbers were worse during the early lockdown, but the bad news has continued through the pandemic. Some estimates say there will be as many as 10,000 excess deaths from colon and breast cancer because of COVID-related delays in diagnosis.

AGES 85+

Not much changes after you pass the age of 85. According to McKnight's Long-Term Care News, heart disease is still the number one killer for people over the age of 85. In 2018, it was responsible for 28.6% of all deaths in this age group, compared to cancer, which claimed only 11.7% of those who died at this age, though it did remain in second place. People over the age of 85 are also vulnerable to dying from Alzheimer's disease, which rises into the top three leading causes of death. According to Statista, in 2021 36.4% of all Alzheimer's deaths occurred in people over the age of 85.

It probably also won't surprise you to hear that COVID-19 is very, very bad for people in this age group. People over the age of 85 represent just 2% of the population, yet they account for 27.5% of all COVID-19 deaths (via Statista).


If you make it all the way to the age of 100, well, you should have a huge birthday party and stop worrying about how you might die. Because at this point, who cares. You've beaten the odds, and you've almost certainly outlived every one of your peers. In fact according to Discover the Odds, centenarians (people 100 years old or older) make up only one percent of the population, so even just living to see your 100th birthday is a huge accomplishment.

Still, death finds us all eventually, and the CDC's 2016 report on centenarians in the United States noted that the leading cause of death for centenarians is still heart disease. At this age, though, Alzheimer's disease is in second place. Centenarians are also vulnerable to death from stroke and cancer, and influenza and pneumonia are also especially dangerous for this group. The CDC's report is pre-COVID, but we can probably safely assume that COVID-19 is as dangerous (if not more dangerous) for people over the age of 100 as it is for people over the age of 85.

Interestingly, a 2021 study published by Age and Ageing noted that there was a big increase in the number of Japanese centenarians during 2020, possibly because masks and social distancing not only protected this group from COVID but also from other communicable diseases like influenza.

The History of God’s Love ? Romans 5:8 was written in reference to Jesus’ time. God gave us everything that He needed to give through Jesus’ death on the cross because it was the work that God carried out using the body of Jesus, the one He had sent.

God even had the one He sent die for the sinners, so what more could He possibly do, right? That is why God had the apostles write down the words, “This now demonstrates My love. Since it was completed with love, it is finished. It is as if the whole world has been sown with love.”

What kind of god is God? God is many things, but He is the origin of love. Also, we are the outcome of His love. Thus, we and God must live with love. God loves us and, in turn, we should live loving Him.

God’s love is so great that He even loves those who are oblivious to His love. God loves everyone—not just those who know and love Him.

It is like the sun that always shines regardless of whether or not you know of its existence. But still, the sun makes us healthy through its light, gives us the energy of love, and also solves problems in life. Just as people receive the sun’s help whether they know it or not, God who is the origin of love loves all people whether they know it or not. God loves people till the day they die.

A very important fact about God is that God cannot contain Himself when it comes to all matters of love.

God provides the resources with which people can make things on their own, and He created human beings with love so that they could do things themselves.

God’s love doesn’t come in only one form but in thousands of forms. God shows love differently for different moments, doing what is most appropriate and needed at each moment. For example, depending on the situation, He may express love through buying you food, buying you an outfit, buying you a gift, embracing and loving you, talking to you, helping you solve a problem, etc.

It was written in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.”

God created the universe, human beings, nature, and the creatures in Heaven and on Earth. He also saved human beings and allowed them to come to Heaven.
In order to save people, there needs to be a Messiah—the one whom God has sent.

The greatest love shown by God is that of sending the Messiah. It is because God comes to the world through the one He sends. He uses their body and speaks. And sometimes, He even speaks directly.

The Scripture from John 3:16 is the main message, the central message about God’s love, and the essential message’ in all aspects of the Old and New Testaments

God’s greatest work was the work of sending the Messiah.
Why? This is because God’s salvation history began, and the history of opening the gate to Heaven happened by sending the Messiah.

God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son. God sent someone He loved. Why? It was so that human beings may receive eternal life!

If you want to receive salvation and eternal life, you need the Word. He must come and preach God’s Word, and you must listen to that Word and put it to action. Only those who do that can receive salvation.

If people do not have a counterpart of love, they cannot love. They can only love themselves. It is the same for God who is a bundle of love as the Creator.

Even if God possesses the love of the Creator, He cannot demonstrate His love if there isn’t a counterpart to love. Therefore, human beings need to realize about God’s immense love and live fulfilling counterpart love with God.

This Land is Mine with Years Killed or War Dates Very Cute One - - Thanks Everyone !

The Great Dictator We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You - - W0W !

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