CSSA Convention - Alberta & Saskatchewan Fight Back

1 year ago


Canadian Shooting Sports Association Launches Multi-Pronged Lawsuit Against Trudeau Government over Handgun Freeze

The Canadian Shooting Sports Association Launches Multi-Pronged Lawsuit Against Trudeau Government over Handgun Freeze


Alberta introduces provincial firearms act to push back on federal gun bill

Bill 8 gives Alberta justice minister powers to make firearms regulations

The Alberta government has introduced legislation giving Justice Minister Tyler Shandro the ability to hamper the federal government's ability to collect restricted firearms as proposed under C-21.

Shandro says Bill 8, the Alberta Firearms Act, defines the role of the province's chief firearms officer, but it also allows him to enact regulations regarding how the proposed federal legislation is administered in Alberta.


Alberta granted permission to intervene in gun lawsuits against Canada

The fight over gun laws in Canada will see Alberta go to court against Ottawa as intervenors in half a dozen lawsuits against legislation that bans hundreds of models of firearms.

In September, the province made the application to intervene in six ongoing cases on non-constitutional issues.

That request was not opposed by the federal government, and on Wednesday, it was granted by the court.

“The federal firearms ban criminalizes hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Canadians who are in possession of firearms that the federal government has arbitrarily banned – simply because the ‘style’ of the firearm was deemed to be aesthetically displeasing by bureaucrats in Public Safety Canada," Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro wrote in a news release.


Province passes Sask. Firearms Act unanimously

On Thursday, the province passed the Saskatchewan Firearms Act, a law that will make it harder for police to seize firearms.

The act passed its final reading at the legislature unanimously with all members present voting in favour. The act is now law.

Firearms enthusiasts were at the legislative building to join the provincial government in opposition to the federal ban on assault style firearms, which is supposed to take effect this fall.


Locals react after province passes the Saskatchewan Firearms Act

Reaction across the province are pouring in after the province passed the Saskatchewan Firearms Act which aims to enhance public safety and protect the rights of law-abiding firearms owners.

The new firearms legislation passed on April 6, 2023, right before the Easter long weekend. In a statement, the Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister said it’s important for Saskatchewan to have its own provincial firearms legislation to ensure the concerns of responsible firearms owners are taken into account.


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